19~ Soft Lips

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They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something
So their won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.
~ author unknown

So it's been a month since Gabe died. His funeral was last week. I went, and his family wasn't very pleased. They tried to kick me out, but I believe I had a right to stay their. At least in my opinion. I still need him. He is still in my heart.

The first press conference for Logan and KSI was changed for today. So that's what I'll be doing today. I didn't feel like going, but I had promised Logan I'd be their, so I'll be their.

Right now I am changing into my outfit. My dad and I were going to the Maverick house where everyone was going to meet at and get on a bus to get to the arena. The press conference was going to be about 2 months ago, but with everything that has happened, Logan and KSI agreed to change it to today. I told him it was fine, to go with the original date, but he said no. He wanted me to be their.


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After I got changed, I grabbed my phone and keys and walked downstairs where my dad was wearing a Team Paul shirt

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After I got changed, I grabbed my phone and keys and walked downstairs where my dad was wearing a Team Paul shirt. He looked up and smiled.
M. You look beautiful.
I smiled at him
A. Thank you dad
I hugged him and he hugged me back.
M. Let's go
I nodded and we walked outside towards my dad's car. I haven't used my motorcycle ever since Gabe died. That's the only thing I have left of him and I am so afraid to damage it.

When we got in my dad's car, he drove towards Logan's house.

When we arrived, the house was packed. People were outside talking or vlogging. We got off the car and made our way inside. Over the past month, I've got to know a bunch of Logan's friends. Since I'm his assistant, his friends always visit him, so he just introduced me to them. I saw Mark outside talking to some people and when he saw me, he walked over,
M. Hey guys, Logan is inside waiting for Alexis.
A. Hi Mark. Thanks for telling me.
I said bye to them and walked past them, greeting some people in the way. I got inside and the house was even more packed. I tried to look for Logan but saw him nowhere. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see George.
G. Looking for Logan?
I nodded my head.
G. He's upstairs changing. He needs your help with his suit.
A. Thanks
I said bye and walked upstairs towards Logan's room. I knocked before opening the door and saw Logan buckling his belt. He turned his head and saw me and smiled. I smiled back.
A. Heard you needed me?
L. Yeah. Don't know how to place a suit on.
We both chuckled before I walked over. He gave me the outfit and I scanned it, notching that we were wearing the same shade of blue. I swear I didn't not know what color he was wearing! It was just a coincidence!
A. Wow, who would've thought we were both wearing blue?
He looked at my outfit and his eyes widened slightly.
L. You look beautiful.
Logan said looking at me in the eyes. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me.
A. Thanks
I said looking down at the ground.
I cleared my throat and looked up, helping Logan place the suit on. When I helped him buttoning up the shirt, I felt his soft skin and felt his eyes burning holes through me. I was getting really nervous. I grabbed the purple tie from his bed and placed it over his neck, tying it in the progress.
L. I also have a pin.
He handed me the pin and I looked at it, seeing a Maverick.
A. This is cute
Logan laughed and looked at me
L. Thanks
I placed it on his shit and smoothed his suit out, Looking at him and smiled
A. Their.
I looked at Logan's appearance. We were both wearing the same shade of blue, and I have never seen Logan in a suit before. He looked handsome. And I can't deny that by any chance. I looked at Logan's ocean blue eyes and saw them staring down back into my own. My lips parted and I couldn't help but flicker my eyes to his own soft pink lips and then looking back at his eyes. Logan slowly walked closer, until our bodies were pressed against each other. He looked down at my lips and swallowed.
L. You don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now
He whispered huskily into my ear
A. Than do it
I whispered back.
He leaned closer, and soon our lips were moving in sync. His arms wrapped around my waist and I wrapped mines around his neck. He groaned against my lips and I found myself deepening the kiss. He picked me up and moved me to the wall, where I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slowly pulled away and I looked at his eyes, seeing his large grin plastered in his face. I softly smiled.
L. Damn how I missed that
He whispered into my neck. I pulled him closer, and he slowly kissed my jaw.
A. Logan
I whispered
He continued kissing my jaw and I couldn't help but moan feeling the pleasure. His lips found their way back to my lips and I kissed back. I felt sparks all over my body and it felt amazing. It was relaxing. Logan made me feel safe in his arms.
?. Logan we are all wait- OH MY GOD!
Logan and I quickly pulled away and I straitened my dress and hair. I looked at Logan and saw his hair all over the place with his soft lips all plump. We looked at the doorway and saw Jake with a shocked expression.
I let out a nervous chuckle.
L. Hey Jake
Logan said all nervous.
J. Are you two together?
I quickly shook my head.
J. W-w. I don't know what to say.
L. Jake what did you want?
J. Well I came up here to see what was taking so long, but now I know why.
L. Get out!
Logan screamed causing Jake to run out of the room. I looked at Logan who was looking nervously at me. Gosh what have I done? Again?! Can't deny it though, it felt so good.
L. Um.
A. Uh- l-let's just get you ready. Hopefully Jake doesn't tell anyone.
I saw a wave of hurt go through Logan's face before being replaced with a fake smile. I immediately regret what I said.
A. Wait n-no! Logan that's not what I meant!
L. It's fine
Logan gave me a soft smile and I gave him a frown. He grabbed his jacket and placed it on, before placing on his sun glasses. He grabbed his last things before walking into the bathroom and fixing his hair, whoops, my bad. After he fixed his hair, he walked out and gave me a smile.
L. Ready?
I nodded my head with a smile.
He walked towards me, and he caught me off guard when he interlinked our fingers together and we walked out of his room. I thought he'd still be mad at me. He probably is. Everyone was still chatting downstairs, and Jake was stood waiting outside of the door. When he saw us, he was smirking at Logan and than turned to me, and his smirk deepened. I let go of Logan's hand, immediately missing the warmth before walking over to Jake and punched him on his arm as hard as I could without anyone but Logan noticing. He burst out laughing and Jake grabbed his arm where I punched him, crying in pain.
J. Shit, you know how to fucking punch!
A. Duh! I'm a boxer!
I said while flipping my hair in his face and walking down the stairs. When I got down, I walked over to my dad, and immediately heard screaming from upstairs. I looked up and saw Jake and Logan cheering at the top of their lungs, making me smile. These two really do love each other. Everyone else in the room started cheering with them as well. Logan looked at me and winked before looking back at the people and cheering even louder. They walked down the stairs and were immediately drowned by compliments.

His Trainer's Daughter (A Logan Paul Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora