"I'm Kirishima Ryuu! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!"

And they became best friend immediately.

The Child

Rai is very energetic, to the point [Name] thought he may even be Kirishima's son. But Kaminari was also energetic in his own way, so Rai probably got that from him.

He has blonde hair, just like his father. His eyes are yellow, just like his father. His smile? Just like his father. Probably a thousand watt stronger than him though.

He gets excited easily and at everything. He will do his best if he's asked to. Sadly enough, he couldn't do simple mathematics and his studies is far behind his other classmates.

He's also very friendly. He's friends with everyone and it looks like they enjoy his company. Talking to him is fun since he always answer enthusiastically.

[Name] just hopes he wouldn't grow up to be a womanizer like his father.


"Whoa!!!" Rai exclaimed as he looked around the supermarket.

"This place is amazing!"

"Don't run around the place!" [Name] shouted as she followed her son, who was running around.

When she caught him, she held him in his arms so he won't run anymore.

"Mom, can I get some snacks?" Rai asked.

"What kind of snacks do you want?" [Name] asked.

"Chips, doritos, cookies, jellies..."

"You are going to get cavities." [Name] said with a frown. Rai's eyebrows dropped in sadness. He stared at his mother with his puppy eyes.


[Name] searched for her husband. Kaminari casually walked toward her while pushing a cart full of snacks. He whistled a random tune and turned his head to her.

"Oh, [Name]! I'm finished!" Kaminari grinned.

Rai's eyes sparkled at the snacks.

"... Just this once..." [Name] mumbled.

Kaminari sure knows his son well. Or maybe he just wanted to eat some?


"Good day, everyone!" Rai greeted the audience.

"My name is Kaminari Rai! Today I'm going to read the essay I wrote about my parents!" He was literally shining on the stage.

"First of all, I want to apologize to my mother since I've harmed her with my quirk when I was still a baby! I'm really glad that she doesn't hold any grudge to me! My mother is the best person in the world! I want to marry someone like her! I love you, mom!"

"And my father is the best person in the wolrd along with my mother! He's really strong! I'm proud to be his son! I hope I can become just like him! I love you, dad!"

"The hell is that blinding light around him? His quirk?" Bakugou muttered from the seats.



Rai rubbed his eyes as he cried.

"Baby, what's wrong?" [Name] asked as she scooped him in her arms.

"Mom..." He let out a hiccup.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry? It's okay." She said patting him.

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