26 | the vixen's master

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Play the game for more than you can afford to lose... only then will you learn the game.

- Winston Churchill


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Hana didn't believe in the word "spoiled." Surely, she relates to "privileged" more.

Her beautiful looks got her the opportunities and places she always desired. It all started with a competition. A beauty pageant that puts all of the pretty Korean girls on the social map. Her grandmother was a two-time pageant winner in Korea while her mother was a four-time regional winner. She was also a pageant coach as well. She taught Hana how to greet others professionally, walk straight with shoulders back, answer questions diligently, and showcase her pearly white smile. All while being in middle school.

She desired to be victorious in everything which resulted in ten crystal crowns. A higher record than her mother and grandmother.

The key to winning? Striking a simple knife on her competitor's precious hands. It resulted horrible scars on their hands and fabricated lies. Accusations of the competitors' moms lead to a big commotion, but all of the evidence wasn't adding up, pleasing both Hana and her mother.

"The crown will always be mine." Hana sneered.

At the start of high school, Hana had a family member she truly admired beside her two older brothers, Daeho and Hayeon. Uncle Kyuhyun.

Hana remembered her first time seeing her uncle and showcasing his wealth and skill as a top assassin. A position her father failed to acquire due to starting a family he has today.

During one night at the dinner table with Uncle Kyuhyun, her father Jaeho, asked his daughter, "What do you want to be in the future, Hana?"

"An assassin," Hana answered with a smirk on her lips. She took a bite of her sautéed vegetables.

Daeho coughed loudly after taking a sip of his wine, Kyuhyun paused his eating, Hayeon snickered loudly, and Jaeho's reaction was highly appalling. Hana's mother, Janet, fidgeted in her seat.

"You're serious, firecracker?" Kyuhyun smirked at his niece. Hana nodded happily.

"What happened with being a lawyer?!" Jaeho shouted. He was taken aback by the tone of his voice. He looked over at Janet apologetic. Never had he raised his voice at his only daughter.

"It's her future, honey," Janet murmured.

"I changed my mind." Hana shrugged her shoulders, pouting. "Lawyers go through so much just to be the best, but the way assassins handle their jobs is so fascinating. I wanna look cool like that."

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