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Hello it's the author!! Thank you to everyone who has read my book, I wouldn't have come this far if not for all of you inspiring me and and getting me motivated to write and finish this book. I've written several books in the past but ended up deleting them due to loss of motivation and no one was reading them. However, since this one blew up (thank you :') ) I finally finished my first book and I'm so happy and proud of how far I've come from the beginning! 💙💙💙

Anyways, it won't be for a long time yet because I'll need to have an ending and a real plot thought out instead of just basic things I want to happen, but one day I will have another book out. I can summarize it in another announcement  if you guys want more details but I'm just going to say at the moment I'm working on a soulmates AU with Eren x Levi from Attack On Titan (haters don't come for me please I can't fight you).


do you guys still want a Q&A? I realize I never did that oops😅 if so, drop some questions here. It can be about me or the characters (should I call them that since technically they're real people...? idk), or even questions for them and I'll answer in their words if that makes sense. I'll be answering the old questions that have been asked as well too if you guys decide you still want a Q&A.

I hope you're all safe and well, we're living in a crazy world right now but I know it'll all turn out well💙💙💙

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