Chapter Thirty-Six

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Yoongi sat at the table, his arms crossed and his head resting atop them as he stared at the cup. It had been over an hour since Jimin had cut his hand open. In that time Jimin washed it out, took a shower, wrapped his hand, and argued with Yoongi several times throughout all of it on whether or not he should drink it. Now here he sat, staring at the cup in a self fought war, two against one.

One voice was telling him that he shouldn't drink it. It's Jimin's blood. Even if he was just trying to be helpful, the boy put himself in a dangerous situation. Since Yoongi hadn't eaten in so long, he was afraid that if he drank it, it wouldn't be enough and he would lose control and accidentally hurt Jimin. The blonde was already so terrified of vampires. He didn't want to destroy any of the progress they had made together. And they had made progress, a lot.

However the other voice in his head screamed at him to down the cup right then and there, fuck the consequences. He didn't know how many more days he could go without eating. And as much as his parents and Taehyung and Jungkook urged him to drink something, anything, he wouldn't. But right now the other voice was getting louder and louder, urging him to drink it. It didn't help that Jimin was also telling him to do it.

'It can't be that bad right? If Jimin's okay with it. And Jimin's the last person to agree with this,' Yoongi thought to himself. He slowly lifted his head pulling an arm free to reach out just barely touching the glass before shaking his head and pulling his hand back.

'No, I'm not thinking straight. If I drank it there'd be no going back. Jimin would fear me forever,' The other voice in his head argued.

But it smelled so good...

Yoongi lifted his head enough to see Jimin in the other room taking a nap on the couch. The vampire sighed and bit his lip, whispering to himself "Please don't make me regret this." His gaze turned back to the cup and he slowly took it in his hand bringing it up to his mouth.

His hand hovered there for a moment as he inspected it. It was dark red and had a fragrant scent to it that nothing could compare with. The vampire closed his eyes and tilted his head back as the liquid seeped into his mouth.

He tried to ignore how wonderful it tasted. How he wanted more than just the cups worth of blood. How he could still smell the soft fragrance of fresh blood wafting over from where Jimin slept, his hand bandaged up. Yoongi let out a sigh and stood up.

He ran a hand through his hair and began swiftly walking towards the door. He looked back once more to make sure Jimin was still asleep before opening it and walking out into the evening light. The sky was orange and yellow and it's colors gleamed on the buildings like a fresh painting. The vampire closed his eyes as a soft breath ruffled his hair. He took in a deep breath of the fresh cool air then started down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Said a small voice behind him. The vampire turned around to see Jimin closing the door behind himself.

"I was just getting some fresh air, relax," Yoongi said turning to face the boy.

Jimin blinked but then casually leaned against the balcony. "I am relaxed."

Yoongi let out what sounded to be a mixture of a laugh and a scoff. "Did I wake you up?"

Jimin shook his head. "No, I never really fell asleep." Yoongi's eyes flashed with concern but Jimin waved him off. "It's fine, I haven't really been able to sleep for a while. It's normal."

The vampire began making his way back up the stairs. "No it's not, you need sleep. Jimin—,"

"I'm fine, Yoongi. Really. I've just had a lot on my mind, to say the least." Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek before glumly nodding.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now