Chapter Twenty-Three

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Yoongi and Jimin walked down the dirt  streets back to their home chatting quietly to eachother. The sun was almost all the way down. The two could no longer see it from where they were walking, but they could see the soft glistening in the sky from far away above the buildings as the sky above them began turning a light mix of pink and purple.

Jimin sighed leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder as they walked, their fingers interlaced together. "That wasn't so bad. Your parents are sweet I don't know why you were so nervous."

Yoongi let out a breath looking down at his feet then back up. "Yeah, they're alright, I guess."

Jimin let out a soft giggle causing Yoongi to smile lightly to himself. The blonde was right: the night had gone way better than he was expecting it too, and he couldn't have been more relieved.

The two rounded a corner and heard a faint song playing, growing louder the more they walked. Finally they came across a bar in between a shoe store and a jewelry shop. The door hung wide open, held by a door stopper and inside you could see men sitting at the bar drinking and yelling at the TV as it blared a random sports game.

Jimin peaked around Yoongi looking into the bar. A man turned his head from inside and the two instantly made eye contact. Jimin's eyes quickly fluttered back to the ground and pulled Yoongi along, trying to not seem to desperate to get away from the building.

"Hey! Hey wait a minute, come back here." Jimin heard a voice from behind them. He swallowed thickly closing his eyes. Yoongi turned around to see what the commotion was, his eyebrows creased with confusion.

"You talking to us?" He called back. The man who had yelled had dark red hair, his eyes bloodshot, and his words slurred together. He held the wall of the building to steady himself, while in the other hand he held a bottle of beer that was almost empty.

"Yess, I'm talkin' to you. Whaddya' think you're doing?" The man said, stepping a few feet closer.

Jimins gripped tightened on Yoongi's hand so his shaking wouldn't be noticed by the elder one. "Yoongi ignore him. Please, let's just go."

Yoongi looked down at Jimin, then back at the strange man with wary eyes before nodding lightly and turning around with Jimin heading back down the street.

"Hey I was talkin' to you!" Came the mans voice again, this time louder and more aggressive than before.

Yoongi stopped in his tracks and let out a long, slow breath before finally turning around. "What do you want?"

The man looked at him as if surprised that he actually responded. The surprise was wiped from his face quickly though, as a smirk replaced it. "Answer the question."

Yoongi's face scrunched up in dumbfounded confusion. "You wanna know what we're doing? We're walking home. Are you happy? I answered your stupid question. Come on Jimin, let's go."

"Yeah, keep walking," the man yelled as they went along. "Fuckin' queers," he murmured under his breath before turning and heading back to the bar.

Jimin's breath hitched in his throat, stopping dead in his tracks. Yoongi stopped as well, fury rising in his chest. Jimin let out a shaky breath, releasing his grip on Yoongi's hand and pulling it back to himself, wrapping his arms around his body as if for protection.

"You're going to go into town and look out for bad people. People who deserve to die..." Yoongi heard his fathers voice echo in his head.

Yoongi turned around slowly. "Hey, wait a minute."

"Yoongi, don't," came Jimin's voice. It was soft, and broken. Yoongi looked over at the blonde. His eyes were fogging over with tears, his whole body shaking. "Please. Just don't."

Yoongi put a hand on his shoulder for reassurance and smiled softly. "It's okay."

His smile suddenly vanished, his face turning stern as he turned back to face the man. "What's you're name?"

"Why should I tell you that?" The man replied.

"Why not? It's not like I can do anything. The most I could do is call the police on you for harassment, but they wouldn't do much," The vampire replied coolly.

The man was silent for a moment, eyeing Yoongi as if trying to read his mind but finally gave in. "Chris Richards."

Yoongi gave the man a soft smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he turned back around replying over his shoulder. "Okay. Have a nice life, Chris."

When they were far enough away so that they could no longer hear the music of the bar playing, Jimin finally spoke up. "What was that all about?"

Yoongi looked to the side. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." His gaze focused back on Jimin stopping in his tracks turning toward the blonde putting both hands on his shoulders. "Are you alright?"

Jimin was silent, looking anywhere but at Yoongi's eyes. He nodded, just barely noticeable. Yoongi sighed seeing through the boys lie. "He was drunk, okay? He didn't know what he was saying. You can't let every little comment get to you or you'll always feel like shit. I know that's horrible advice, but it's true. Karma's gonna bite him in the ass. Just forget him, alright?"

Jimin stayed quiet for a bit until finally raising his gaze to meet Yoongi's eyes. He gave him a tight lipped smile softly shaking his head yes. "I guess you're right."

"Yeah, I know I am. Now let's go home," Yoongi replied in a more upbeat voice in the hopes of cheering Jimin up. The blonde let out a soft giggle to the vampires delight. Yoongi wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders as they walked.


"I gotta go, I'll be back soon, I love you," Yoongi called to Jimin the next morning.

"Where are you going?" Jimin spoke up, walking over to the vampire.

"I was just gonna do some quick errands. Want me to get you anything?" Yoongi replied trying to sound as normal as possible to Jimin so he wouldn't notice anything that was out of the blue.

Jimin scrunched up his nose as he thought, but finally let out a heavy sigh shaking his head. "No, not that I can think of."

"Okay, bye." Yoongi said walking over to Jimin cupping his face and giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you," Jimin murmured.

Yoongi grinned. "I love you too, Jimin." With that, the vampire turned around and headed out the door.

Hello sorry for the not actual update earlier this week. I felt bad tricking you guys so I wrote up a quick chapter. It's kinda a filler but this is the start of the end of the book I guess so yeah😉

I can't believe how much love this book is getting, it's just insane and I love every single one of you who is reading. Next chapter should be up in the next week or so? No promises though. I'm about 550 words into the next chapter so I shouldn't be that long I hope. Love you guys, have a great day/night💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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