Chapter Six

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Yoongi was laying on the couch, feet on the table, watching TV when Jimin arrived back from the store. "I'm back!" He called as he walked through the door, hands full of groceries. He shut the door with his foot and proceeded into the kitchen.

Yoongi looked up from the television and smiled slightly. "I got more tea since that's all I've really seen you have besides water," Jimin called over his shoulder to Yoongi. The vampire gulped, squeezing his eyes shut as the feeling of guilt began to rise within him for the billionth time that day.

But as he walked toward Jimin he forced a smile and lied through his teeth, "Hey what are you talking about? I had all that food you made today. You should be thankful. That pancake that was on the ceiling? I cleaned it up and almost fell off the counter and died in the process of cleaning it up."

Jimin raised and eyebrow and let out a huff. "But it's your fault it was up there in the first place. You flipped it, not me."

"Did not," Yoongi said, grabbing the newspaper off the counter, not daring to look up at Jimin. He studied the paper, trying hard to suppress the grin he felt coming into his face.

"Yes you did! I saw it!" Jimin gasped, taking the paper from Yoongi's hands and hitting him with it repeatedly.

"Ow! Ah, alright, stop, I yield!" Yoongi yelled through laughter as he frantically ducked for cover, shielding his head with his arms.

"Good. Serves you right, lying to me." Jimin said grinning at Yoongi's face. He couldn't quite tell if it was sad or confusion but he blew it off. "So, what have you been doing since I was gone?"

"Nothing. I cleaned the goddamn pancake and sat around waiting for you while watching TV and that's pretty much it." Yoongi shrugged as he turned and walked back to the couch, sighing as he flopped down.

"Awe, were you lonely without me?" Jimin teased, going over and sitting down next to Yoongi, a bit to closer than usual.

"Hah, you wish. I just have no other friends and you're my only companion annnd... that was supposed to be offensive but I think it backfired and now I just feel sad." Yoongi trailed off, furrowing his eyebrows and scrunching his nose in confusion.

Jimin laughed, throwing his head back and put his arm around Yoongi. "Awe, it's okay. Hey you can make friends with my friends, how 'bout that? I'll call them and we can all go see a movie. Yeah?"

Yoongi looked over at Jimin, a trace of worry hidden in his eyes. Was this a good idea? He was already taking a huge risk rooming with a human, but befriending even more? It sounded shady. But Jimin looked so hopeful and cheery that he forced himself to nod. He couldn't wipe that happy look off Jimin's face.

Jimin leaped up in excitement, "Great! I'll call them right now! You'll fit right in, I know it."

A burst of anxiety shot through Yoongi and he leaped up and grabbed Jimin by the hand in the spur of the moment. "Wait!" Jimin stopped, concern and regret pouring over his face and...was that a tint of blush Yoongi saw? The blonde slowly looked down at their hands, and back up at Yoongi. The vampires face flushed as he quickly let go.

"Wait," he repeated, quieter this time, not meeting Jimin's eyes. "How many people are going?"

Yoongi watched as he twiddled his thumbs waiting for Jimin to reply. "You, me, and five others. Of course if you don't want to I can-"

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now