Chapter Twenty-One

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"Bye Jungkook! Bye Taehyung! Come back soon, drive safe," yelled Jimin as he waved them off from inside the house as they got into their car. The engine revved and moments later they were gone.

Jimin turned around as Yoongi walked into the living room sighing deeply and falling onto the couch. He closed his eyes as he sank deeper into the couch trying to find the perfect position before finally relaxing. "You okay?" Jimin asked sitting down next to him.

Yoongi opened a single eye looking over at him before closing it again and replying. "Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. Just ever since you went to talk with Taehyung you've been really quiet and far away. Are you sure you're alright?"

Jimin put a hand on the vampire's knee, concern clearly shown on his face. Yoongi reaches over and starts massaging Jimin's shoulder still not opening his eyes. "I'm fine Jimin."

"Well you don't seem fine," Jimin muttered under his breath looking down and away from his boyfriend.

Yoongi let out a sigh when he heard this. He knew there was no way of telling him what was wrong without telling him everything and completely ruining their relationship. Yoongi suddenly wrapped an arm around Jimin's shoulders and pulled him down onto his chest causing him to let out a small yelp.

The vampire snickered before placing his hand on the boy's head and softly playing with his hair. "Jimin, have I ever told you how lucky I was to have you?"

There was no response so Yoongi continued. "I am so lucky to have you. As long as I'm with you I'm fine. Stop worrying about me, please. For my sake?"

It was quiet for a moment before Jimin turned his face into Yoongi's arm and let out a small muffled, "Okay."

Yoongi squeezed Jimin on his arms before lightly tapping his shoulder. "Come on, it's getting pretty late. We should start getting ready for bed."

Jimin lifted his head in confusion. "Were they really over for that long? What time is it?"

"Almost 10:30," came Yoongi's reply in a quiet voice.

"Oh wow, okay," Jimin slowly pushed himself up off of Yoongi and stood up. He leaned down kissing the vampire before pulling away, smiling, and walking off to the bathroom.

Yoongi smiled at him as he walked away but when Jimin was out of sight his smile faltered. It only just began to sink in that he would be taking Jimin to meet his family tomorrow and he started having doubts about it.

What if it was a trick? What if they accidentally gave their cover away? What would Yoongi do if that happened? What would Jimin do? Yoongi's palms began to sweat the more he thought about all the ways the evening could end in a disaster.

"Yoongi." The vampire looked up to see Jimin standing in front of him, a quizzical look on his face. "You okay? I've been calling your name for a while now and you didn't reply even when I came out here."

Yoongi blinked looking at Jimin for a moment before looking back down and wiping his hands on his pants as he cleared his throat. "Yeah, fine. Sorry just lost in thought I guess. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

With that, Yoongi stood up and walked past Jimin, whose gaze followed his every move. The blonde sighed walking back into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Yoongi walked down the hallway and pushed his bedroom door open. The boy walked over to his bed, pulled his blankets back, and fell onto the soft, feathery surface before rolling over to turn the light off. He shut his eyes letting out a content sigh, his hands pulled up close to his face holding the rim of the blankets up to his chin. Just as he was starting to drift into sleep he heard shuffling in his room. Too lazy to move or open his eyes, he lay still hoping that whatever was making the noises would go away.

Suddenly the bed shifted, weight causing it to cave in slightly on the opposite side of where Yoongi was laying. The vampire opened his eyes for a moment to see Jimin crawling into bed with him. The boy made no effort to lay close to Yoongi, but it was clear that he wanted to.

"Yoongi, are you asleep?" The boy whispered from across the bed. Yoongi thought for a moment but eventually decided not to reply hoping Jimin would just go to sleep. He heard Jimin sigh and felt his hand move to play with the vampire's hair.

Yoongi instantly relaxed into the touch. It had been a while since Jimin actually slept in his bed. He'd missed him and his warmth and how at home he felt when he was with him.

"I guess you're asleep," came Jimin's voice, quieter this time. "I wish you'd tell me what was wrong. I know something is... I just don't know what. Isn't that what we're supposed to do as a couple? Tell each other things?"

Yoongi's stomach twisted in on itself hearing Jimin speak, but he remained quiet. "I love you, Yoongi. I wish you'd tell me what you were feeling... I just want to help you. Can you do that for me? Just tell me one thing I can do to help you with and I'll do it."

There was silence for a long time before Yoongi heard the blankets rustling and could feel the bed shifting slightly. The vampire suddenly felt a warmth on his forehead before realizing Jimin had planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you," He said again before laying down facing away from Yoongi.

After some time waiting to see if Jimin would do anything else, Yoongi slowly opened his eyes to see the blondes head about a foot away from his own. He let out a breath extending his arms and pulling Jimin into his chest and wrapping him up in his arms, resting his chin on the boy's head. Jimin's eyes opened looking up to meet Yoongi's. The vampire looked down, closing his eyes and gently pulling Jimin's head back under his chin. "I love you too," He voice barely audible.

Jimin looked at him a moment longer, his eyes filling with confusion and sadness before finally giving up the search for answers. He buried his face in Yoongi's chest and wrapped his arms around the older boy, his hands wrapping around the back of the vampire's shirt and holding the cloth in his hands as if clinging for dear life.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like 2 months. And I'm also sorry this chapter was reallyyyyy short and shitty. I just figured I better write something because I haven't been on in so long. I guess it was just a needed filler before the next chapter where things get spicy😆 (not spicy like you guys think. You freaking pervs lol). Okay yeah, I can't promise the next chapter will be soon but I'll try. I'm done with Winter Percussion so hopefully I'll have more time on my hands. Alright, bye everyone. I hope you liked this "chapter" I guess 

edit: nothing new, I'm just fixing some errors I noticed. Sorry if it notified you again💙

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