Chapter Four

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Everything was quiet outside except for a cricket sounding every so often. Yoongi sighed contently as he started heading off down the road to the edge of town. He was to scared that he'd be caught in town so he decided to go out of the humans town where he wouldn't get caught. So here he was, walking the quiet dirt streets of Daesiple. His hands tucked deep inside his pant pockets desperately trying to stay warm even though he knew it was useless.

The wind ruffled his hair and shirt making him shiver. He'd made it nearly half way when he began to hear foot steps behind him. As he cautiously turned he was met with a familiar face. "Jimin? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Jimin said locked in place.

"I was taking a walk. I needed some fresh air. And you?" Yoongi makes up the lie quickly hoping to god Jimin believed it.

"Oh I was just um... well," Jimin trailed off looking at his hands, "I was just curious what you were doing. I'm sorry. Can I come with you?" Jimin looked back up at Yoongi with puppy eyes sticking his lower lip out for emphasis on the pout.

Yoongi sucked in a breath of air through his mouth before clamping his jaw. Looks like tonight isn't the night I'll be getting any food. Yoongi thought to himself. He could feel his stomach aching from the loss of food he'd had. He really needed to eat something. Anything. Soon. Pushing the thought away he rolled his eyes and motioned Jimin to follow. "Okay fine, come on let's go."

Jimin jumped in excitement clapping his hands as he trailed next to the vampire.

"So why are you up? Did I wake you? Sorry if I did." Yoongi said, not looking at the boy.

Jimin looked up at him and then looked straight as he began to talk. "The door may have woke me up but don't stress it. I can't sleep through anything really and that doors squeaky no matter who uses it."

"Oh. Well, I'm still sorry about it," Yoongi says.

"Yoongi," Jimin starts and Yoongi hums in response, "I didn't want to tell you this because I thought you'd think of me as a scaredy cat but.... Can we please go back? We're almost to the stairs that lead to the house up the hill and it's dark and they really scare me. I know I shouldn't be scared of them but they hardly ever come out and it just freaks me out. I've only seen a glimpse of them once and they didn't look like a happy type of family. Can we go home?"

Yoongi stopped in his tracks, his smile fading. Ah yes, nothing like a good old smack in the face with reality. Your still a vampire Yoongi. Do you know how Jimin would react if he found out about that? He'd probably kick you out, or even worse, tell the town and have them kill you. Yoongi shuddered nodding once before abruptly turning back around and walking back the way they came.

"Yoongi? Are you mad? I'm sorry, please don't be mad. We can keep walking if-"

"It's fine." Yoongi says a little to harsh than he meant for it to come out. He silently cursed himself but continued walking ahead.

Jimin stopped walking looking at the older boy. His face contorted into pure sadness. He really didn't mean to upset Yoongi he just didn't like the thought that they might be that close to a family that had been rumored to be vampires. It scared him to the point if he got any closer to the house he might cry.

Finally he was pushed out of his thoughts and rushed back to catch up with Yoongi. "Are you sure you're not mad?" Jimin mumbled quietly hiding his eyes with his bangs, ashamed of himself. He felt pathetic.

"I said it's fine," Yoongi snapped, facing the blonde, "You know what? Why don't you go back home? Okay? Just go home." He could feel himself flinch at his own words but it was to late to take them back.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now