Chapter Seventeen

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Just kinda whipped this up real fast late at night. Sorry if it sucks I only reread it once for errors and cringy shit but hey, double update I guess kinda💙


By the time Yoongi got home the sun was just setting. He opened the door slowly and peeked his head in before walking in fully and shutting the door behind him.

"Jimin?" He called as he took off his jacket. "I'm home."

No answer. "Jimin?" He called again. After a moment he heard a little noise of acknowledgement come from Jimin's room. Relieved, Yoongi started down the hallway to check up on him. When he arrived, all the lights were turned off. Yoongi spoke softly this time. "Jimin can I turn the light on?"

Once again no words were said, only a small hum of acknowledgement. Yoongi flipped the switch on to find a pile of blankets all heaped up into one ball on the bed. There was no sign of Jimin in sight, but Yoongi knew he was there. Slowly, he walked to the side of the bed and sat down. His hand reached for the top part of the blanket and gently lifted them up to reveal Jimin's face. He didn't look up at Yoongi. His eyes were swollen and red from crying and his hair was a mess from laying in bed all day.

Yoongi's eyes filled with pity as he reached to gently stroke Jimin's hair. "How're you holding up? You want anything? Tea? Cocoa? Some food?"

Jimin doesn't look up at Yoongi. He closes his eyes for a moment as if thinking about it but after a moment opens them again shaking his head no.

Yoongi sighs taking his hand away. "Babe, you gotta eat eventually. I know it's been rough these past few days. I understand that but-"

Suddenly Jimin sits up in the bed meeting Yoongi's eyes, a scowl smeared across his face. "Do you understand?" He says, voice loud and piercing. "Do you really? Cause I don't think you do. Your parents want you to be happy. They don't care who you are or what you do. I don't even have my parents. I'll never be able to know if they would have loved me for who I am. Instead, I'm stuck with two unloving grandparents who would rather see me dead than kissing a man."

Yoongi sat frozen on the bed, looking at Jimin. His breathing was staggered and his eyes showed all kinds of emotions: hate, sadness, disgust. Yoongi opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

Finally he stuttered, "I— I'm sorry Jimin. You're right, I don't understand." He dropped his eyes to his lap and sighed. "I'll be in my room."

With that Yoongi left without another word spoken between the two. When he arrived in his bedroom his whole body was shaking. He let out a small groan as he flopped onto the bed and pulled a pillow over his face.

Why did he even think this was a good idea? None of this would have happened if he had just stayed up on the hill with his parents and never met Jimin. If it wasn't for Yoongi, Jimin never would have went over to his grandparents and they still would've had a healthy relationship. But no. Yoongi just had to run into Jimin that day and come home with him and ruin his life.

'Maybe I should just go. Leave a note apologizing and explaining he deserves more than I have to offer.' Yoongi thinks to himself in defeat.

Before he can do anything he feels a part of the bed cave in. He takes the pillow off of his face to find Jimin sitting on the side of the mattress staring at the wall ahead of him.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted and was out of line. I shouldn't have yelled. I wanted to take it all back the moment I said it but it was to late."

Yoongi pushes himself up so that he's sitting inches from Jimin. He makes sure they're not touching, still unsure how Jimin is feeling about it all.

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