Chapter Three

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"This blanket is so warm," Yoongi murmurs more to himself than to Jimin. He looks down at the blanket, at his gloves, the tea, and for once in his life actually feels warm and even happy. A tear threatens to spill from his eye but he quickly blinks it away. He never felt so much comfort in all his life and just thinking about how a human, not a vampire, but a human brought him so much happiness just made him want to cry.

He wanted to run to his house and yell in his parents faces, "See? Not all humans are evil. This one gave me more in a day than you could have in 200 years!" But he knew that wouldn't help him with his situation so he remained silent on the couch.

Jimin had been reading a book until he heard Yoongi speak. "What was that?" He says lifting his head to look at Yoongi. But Yoongi just smiles and shakes his head. "It's nothing."

Yoongi gazes around the room. There are photos of humans everywhere. Family portraits Yoongi assumes. He always wanted to take a picture with someone but he wouldn't show up in it. In fact, he'd never even really seen what he looked like other than tiny reflections in say a puddle or a pond.

There were many books and a small table at the foot of Jimin's couch. In front of it on another shelf stood a medium size black box. "What's that?" Yoongi asked puzzled after looking at it for a few minutes still not knowing what it could possibly be used for.

"Hm?" Jimin says looking up from his book once again. "Oh that?" He says pointing at it, "That's a TV silly. Seriously it's like your from a completely different planet. You don't know anything do you?"

Ignoring Jimin, Yoongi asks, "Well what does it do?"

Jimin sighs and rolls his eyes before picking up a remote controller and pressing a red button. The TV instantly lights up and sound blasts through the speakers. If Yoongi hadn't forced himself to drink all his tea, he surely would've spilled it all over himself just then. Jimin looks over at Yoongi amused, raising an eyebrow, and slowly starts giggling.

Eventually his giggle turns into a full grown laugh. "Hah- you've never seen-you've never seen a television?" Jimin grabs his stomach and wipes away a tear. "Oh god my stomach hurts. You should've seen your face!" At that, Jimin starts to reenact the scene which only brings more laughter to himself.

Yoongi scowls and turns away crossing his arms. "Oh come on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear. I'll shut up." Jimin says grabbing Yoongi's arm pulling him back to face him again. Yoongi could tell he was trying hard to stifle his laughter.

He grew up learning about all the evil humans, but never once was he taught about the kind ones. Jimin could still secretly want to kill Yoongi if he ever found out what he was though. Jimin was human after all and so far in the history of humans (that Yoongi knew of) no human made friends with a vampire. He pushed the thought out of his head, not wanting to imagine losing his only friend, and his first friend at that. Yoongi's thoughts came back to him though as he wondered what it would be like as a human.

I'll just have to keep my mouth shut and never tell him I guess. Yoongi thinks, sighing into his empty cup.


A few months passed and Yoongi and Jimin became good friends. Yoongi was still always alert for anything out of the ordinary but for the most part he trusted Jimin.

"Hey Yoongi come here, let's watch a movie," Jimin yelled from across the house. Yoongi had been laying in the guest bedrooms bed. The room was kind of his now but he still called it a guest bedroom because he needed to find a place to himself. Jimin told him to take his time and that he could stay as long as he needed but Yoongi still felt like a burden to him.

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