Chapter Thirty-Four

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Jimin sat at the couch buried in blankets he had stolen off of his bed. It had been several hours since everyone left. Yoongi had tried to talk to him through the door for the first hour or so but he eventually grew quiet and gave up. Jimin knew that he was still outside the door though.

Whether it was because he still wanted to talk, or because he was guarding the house, Jimin didn't know. And he didn't plan on knowing. He needed to sort out his thoughts alone before he saw anyone again. He wasn't fully okay yet and he didn't want to say anything he didn't mean, too someone he cared about. It took all his willpower to stay silent and not yell at Yoongi through the door to just leave because deep down he knew he didn't want that. He did want to talk, but not yet.

Eventually after sitting on the couch for so long, Jimin grew restless and got up walking over to the door quietly. He peered out the peephole, careful to make no noise. There Yoongi sat on the steps of the porch, tossing a rock in the air and catching it over and over again. Jimin let out a breath looking down at the door handle, his hand hovering over it ready to turn and open it. The boy bit his lip in thought then shaking his head, walked back to the couch and turned on the TV.

He leaned back into the couch pulling his feet up into a criss cross position. He pushed the remote scanning through channel after channel. Finally giving up and deciding there was nothing good on at the moment, he flipped to the news channel.

The woman speaking was telling a story of a boy and his friends who went into the woods and discovered a cave with ancient weapons inside that could possibly be a thousand years old. Jimin sighed and his eyes trailed down the screen to the description of the stories that had already been talked about. He blinked as he read one in particular: Are There More Vampires Alive Than We Thought?

The blonde bit his cheek looking towards the door before letting out an aggravated breath. "Damn it," he muttered walking out of the room and into his bedroom pulling out his laptop and bringing it back to the couch with him. He quickly typed up the website of the news channel he was on and went to the most recent stories, clicking the one that matched the title on screen.

His eyes skimmed through the paragraphs and images pausing at the one Yoongi and his father had been at.

The article talked about how the police were still looking into who the killer was, and where they were. Though there was only the one witness, nobody recognizes the man in the picture. Jimin swallowed as he very much knew who it was. For the first few weeks after he found out Yoongi was a vampire and that the man in the picture was his dad, he'd researched if there were anymore spottings in their town, but he found none. Now suddenly it seemed like reports were coming in everywhere of suspected vampire sightings or attacks.

Jimin shuddered closing his eyes. As much as he hated and feared vampires, he didn't want to see Yoongi or his family get hurt. 'But vampires can't actually die, right? I suppose they've been hung before but that sounds pretty brutal for nowadays... What if you stab them through the heart with a stake or burn them? Would the police allow that?"' Jimin thought to himself. So even if the police caught them they would be okay, right?

Jimin leaned his head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling as he pondered the question. Eventually it was all he could think about and finally, he let out a groan slamming the laptop shut and throwing it to the opposite side of the couch. He pushed himself up off the couch and walked swiftly over to the door and swung it open. The vampire outside let out a little yelp, missing the rock he had thrown into the air seconds before. He turned around to look at Jimin, surprise and confusion covering his face.

Jimin shook his head ignoring the questioning looks. "Can you kill a vampire with anything, or is it specific, like a stake, or burned alive or what not?"

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now