Chapter Five

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Jimin awoke to hear birds chirping outside his window. The boy slowly opened his eyes, groaning as the sun came shining down on his face. He rolled over, facing away from the window and looked over to the night stand. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw a slip of paper on top of the book he had been reading the night before.

"What's this?" He quietly said to himself, sitting up and dangling his feet over the edge of the bed, picking it up. Carefully he unfolded it, skimming over the letters with his fingers as he read.

"Sorry about last night. I was in a bad mood and took out my anger on the closest living object which in retrospect, was you. I hope you can forgive me. I'll make breakfast if you do :)

Jimin chuckles at the note before crumpling it up and throwing it in the trash. He closes his eyes, reaching his arms up above his head, stretching before getting up and walking into the living room. He looks around for a moment to find no sign of Yoongi anywhere. "So much for fresh breakfast." He thinks as he walks to Yoongi's room.

Standing at the door frame Jimin looks in, a smirk on his face at the scene in front of him. Yoongi lay on his stomach in bed, somehow managing to have only one leg covered in blankets, and not only that, but the blankets were twisted around his leg as if he rolled it up like a sushi. His head was buried beneath several pillows, his right arm was hugging a blue pillow, while his left arm hung loosely off the bed.

Jimin snickered as he grabbed a pillow off of Yoongi's head and started hitting him repeatedly with it. "Hey whatever happened to cooking breakfast for me, huh? I'm starving," Jimin whined, hiding his giggles as best as he possibly could as he continued to hit the vampire. "Get. Up!"

As if on cue, Yoongi yanked a pillow from behind his head and through it straight at Jimin's face, never once opening his eyes. Jimin stood back, stunned at the sudden movement for a moment, but it didn't last long until an evil grin crept onto his face as he started tearing the blankets and pillows away from the older boy.

Sighing in defeat, Yoongi finally looked up at the other. "I could kill you in an instant if I wanted to," he growled, snapping his fingers, "Just like that, and it's over. Bye bye Jimin."

"Okay sure whatever, but first, breakfast. You can kill me afterwards alright?" And just like that Jimin left the room.

Yoongi stared at the door where Jimin had been standing just seconds before and chuckled to himself. He looked down at his hands. They were glowing from the sun glistening down on him from his window. "Damn, I'm really pale." He thinks to himself, scooting off the bed. There were myths about vampires not being able to go into sunlight, but Yoongi knew none of them were true. The only thing the sun would do to him was give him a bad sunburn, just like any pale person. It wasn't like he would turn to dust if he touched sunlight, he'd just never get any darker than what his skin color already was, so trying to tan was useless. Besides, not being able to go out in pure daylight would totally give all the vampires away. If there were any left besides him and his parents.

By the time Yoongi came into the kitchen he saw Jimin standing by the counter, all the ingredients laid out neatly. "Ta-Da!" Jimin yelled, arms stretched wide for emphasis as they angled towards the food.

Yoongi looked at the food, then at Jimin, and then at the food again. "Does he really expect me to make all that? I don't know shit about human food, let alone cooking it. I was just gonna make some cereal or something." He thinks to himself.

Yoongi brushed back his hair with his hand as he blew out a sigh, puffing his cheeks as he walked over to Jimin. "Okay look," Yoongi said, putting his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "When I said 'cook breakfast for you' what I meant was make cereal. I can't cook for shit." With that Yoongi smiled slightly and pat Jimin on the cheek and turned to go grab the cereal out of the cupboard.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now