Chapter Fifteen

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A/N hey this is kinda a short chapter but I couldn't think of anyway to make it longer.
Also, ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️There may be homophobic comments so just a warning if that triggers you in someway. Alright I'll stop talking and let you read.


"Grandpa, I can explain. I was going to tell you earlier but-" Jimin started but was silenced when his grandfather slammed his hands down on the coffee table.

"What is this? Is this some kind of joke to you? I did not raise my sons child to become some kind of fa-"

"Hey!" Yoongi yelled springing up to look him dead in the eye. "I fucking dare you to finish that sentence. If you ever talk to him like that again I swear on all the gods, I'll kill you."

Yoongi was taller than the old man and he looked down on him with so much intensity and hatred that even Jimin became nervous as he looked up to Yoongi.

"You'd better apologize, young man, before you regret it," The old man whispered moving past the table separating him and the vampire so that they were face to face.

"Never," Yoongi growled back, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Yoongi, Grandpa, please. Can we not fight? I don't want you guys to get hurt. I love you both, please stop this. Yoongi lets just go," Jimin pleaded standing up to block to two from each other.

As he stood between them, Jimin lightly pushed his grandfather so that he would back off, hoping Yoongi would get the idea and do the same.

"Don't touch me, freak!" The man yelled sending a hard slap across Jimin's face. The hit sent the blonde stumbling back, toppling back onto the couch.

"That's it!" Yoongi screamed as he launched his fist at the old man. The vampire didn't wait to see him get up. Instead he lunged at him, straddling the man and pinning him to the floor as he repeatedly hit at him.

For a moment he paused, only to lean down to whisper in his ear, "I told you, I'd kill you for that." He pulled himself up to face the man, to look him in the eye. His face was bloody yet still just as determined. It made Yoongi sick. He glared, and for a moment, he bared his fangs at the man trapped beneath him, just to see the pure terror in his face before punching him one last time and knocking him out cold.

Yoongi sat for a moment to make sure he was out before pushing on the limp body beneath him to help get him up. He turned back to Jimin who sat on the couch where he hadn't moved since he was first pushed there. "Jimin are you ok-"

"Get out."

Yoongi turned around to see the old women who had not said a word the entire time, standing in the middle of the room shaking as she held onto a desk to stable herself.

The boy turned back to look at Jimin, whose eyes were wide as they looked back and forth from his grandmother and boyfriend.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows looking back at her. "Excuse me?"

"You- you come into my house, tell me my child's son is gay, and then beat up my husband? No, absolutely not. You need to leave, both of you." She was a frail women and could easily be taken down. Both her and Yoongi knew this, as she stood her ground still shaking from head to toe.

"Are you saying you take his side?" Yoongi said pointing to the man on the floor in astonishment. "Yeah, okay I'll take the blame for the guy passed out on the floor, but he deserved it. He smacked Jimin. Does that mean nothing to you? He's the closest thing you have to a son, and you treat him like shit! If you can't see that then-"

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now