Chapter Thirteen

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Wow kinda short filler chapter but don't worry the next ones gonna be longer. Happy holidays!! 💙

Edit: sorry I didn't re upload this chapter I only saw a huge mistake and had to fix it. Sorry for the false alarm

It was warm when Yoongi awoke. Since he wasn't used to being warm, Yoongi's eyes shot open as his brain ran through hundreds of different scenarios to explain the heat, most of which involved fire. He quickly pushed himself up to a sitting position looking around for any sign of danger, but nothing was there.

A soft groan came from beside him and he turned to look back down at a sleeping, shirtless Jimin who had his arms loosely draped around Yoongi's waist. Suddenly memories of the night before came flooding back into his head. Biting his lip and grinning, he laid back down next to the boy.

Their noses were inches apart from one another and he could feel Jimin's breath on his face. Yoongi let out a sigh of contentment reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of the blondes eyes. He tucked it behind his ear, momentarily keeping his hand there before bringing it back down to gently stroke Jimin's cheek with the back of his hand.

Jimin let out another small noise in his sleep before unconsciously moving closer to Yoongi's body. He draped his leg over Yoongi's, still under the blankets and moved his hand up scarcely brushing Yoongi's bare chest reaching behind his neck where it finally stopped. The feeling of Jimin's finger tips brushing against his skin sent a shiver down the vampires spine causing his eyes to close smiling softly.

As much as he loved the feeling of being so close to Jimin, he knew they had to get up soon. Yoongi sighed placing a light kiss on Jimin's forehead before lightly shaking him. "Jimin. Jimin it's time to get up, it's already-" Yoongi looked over at the nightstand, "past 12."

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, blinking to keep them open. He rubbed them sighing deeply as they cleared to focus on Yoongi who was smiling down at him. "Come on let's get up," Yoongi said gently pulling Jimin up by his arms.

"Oh, do we have to?" Jimin complained only to flop back down onto the bed. "Can't we just stay like this for a little while longer? Please?" His eyes pierced into Yoongi's, with a look of pure innocence with just a hint of something more, as his bottom lip jutted out into a small pout.

Yoongi sighed rolling his eyes. "It's a good thing you're so cute, Jimin." With that, he fell back into the bed facing the blonde.

Yoongi could hear Jimin's soft breathing next to him, and feel his warmth radiating off towards the vampire. The raven haired boy sighed in content reaching a hand out to softly stroke Jimin's bare arm, tracing little lines along his skin.

Jimin smiled, and closed his eyes. After a moment he reached out to grab Yoongi's free hand, only to bring it up to his face and lightly place kisses upon each finger. Yoongi grinned at the touch, caressing Jimin's face with both of his hands. He tenderly rubbed the boys cheek before leaning into a kiss. Jimin moaned quietly, his lips rising into a smile. "I told you this was better than getting up," Jimin whispered before placing another kiss on Yoongi's lips. His eyes twinkled in the morning sun with a hint of mischief. Yoongi raised an eyebrow as if to ask what Jimin was up to but was suddenly answered as Jimin's hand snaked down Yoongi's stomach to rest above where his boxers began.

A shiver crept down his spine as Yoongi's eyes slowly closed. But as soon as Jimin's hand began to move down further Yoongi Opened his eyes and stopped him. "No, we can't do this again. Are you not the one who was just complaining about how tired you were?"

"Wh- Oh come on please? Just for a little bit?," Jimin whined, clearly frustrated.

"Nope. Come on let's get you up," Yoongi said sitting up and pulling Jimin up with him once again, only this time dragging him out of the bed onto the floor.

(time skip)

Jimin set Yoongi's plate down in front of him at the table before taking a seat across from him. "So I've been thinking. I know we haven't been together for that long, but I was wondering..."

Jimin trailed off looking down at his food avoiding Yoongi's eyes. "Jimin?" The vampire pressed, "What is it, is something wrong?"

Yoongi reaches over and touched his shoulder, suddenly concerned. "Oh no nothing's wrong, I just-" his head fell as he let out a deep breath, letting go of the fork he was holding before. "I wanted to know if you would meet my grandparents. They are like my parents now so I just-" his voice caught in his throat as memories of his parents came flooding back.

Yoongi's concerned face melted into sorrow and comfort, his hand moving down from Jimin's shoulder to his hand and squeezing it tightly. "Of course, I will."

Jimin smiled up at him, finally looking into his eyes. The contact faltered though as he cleared his throat. "Um, there's something you should know first."

Yoongi smiled. "Okay, what's that?"

"They don't know I'm gay and I think, I repeat, think they're homophobic."

Yoongi blinked twice, his mouth opening to say something then closing again. "O-oh. Um, okay." Was all he could spit out.

"I know, I'm sorry, I should've told them ages ago but I've never met anyone like you that I felt such a deep connection with. I wanted to wait so I could bring the perfect person to meet them. So I figured I'd put it off until I had to and now that I've found that person-"

"Hey, it's okay. We'll think of something, don't worry. I'm gonna be with you through it all. If you want, we don't even have to say we're together at first. I could just go over as a friend."

Jimin let out a relieved laugh, biting his lip. "Okay, thank you."

"You'll need to clarify something for me though. I've never had any friends, is it a normal thing for just friends to fuck each other or is this just a rule the two of us have-" Jimin laughed kicking Yoongi under the table. "Ow! What was that for? I was asking a question," Yoongi replied laughing.

"Oh my god Min Yoongi. Leave it to you to ruin the moment," Jimin said rolling his eyes and smiling.

"Hey I'm lightening the mood aren't I?" The vampire smirked across the table.

"Just shut up and eat your eggs will you?"

"Ooh, feisty. I like it," Yoongi smirked as he took a bite of the eggs.

He had learned over the past five or six months to hide how much he hated the taste of human food and as much as he was happy about it, he was never fully content with knowing he was lying to Jimin constantly.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now