Chapter Seven

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"Okay we're here!" Jin called out as he swerved the car into a parking spot in front of the cinema.

Everyone began piling out of the vehicle and onto the sidewalk, Jimin and Yoongi last.

"Does everyone have their money?" Namjoon asked, looking around at the group of boys. Everyone nodded or hummed in agreement. "Alrighty then, let's go!"

Once the group got their tickets and snacks they quickly filed into the theater. Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin all sat together. Taehyung and Jungkook sat a little farther down for their own specific reason that Yoongi didn't bother trying to find out about. And of course Jimin and Yoongi sat with each other, a row above everyone else, but still close enough that they could lean down and talk to the others if they wanted.

As they waited for the movie to start, Yoongi couldn't help but glance over at Jimin every now and then to see how he was doing. The kid looked like a wreck. He was obviously trying to look calm, but Yoongi knew better. He was sweating profusely, eyes wide with terror looking everywhere, and hands either gripping at the chair, or wiping sweat off onto his pants.

Yoongi sighed rolling his eyes in both frustration and concern as he put his hand on Jimin's thigh to try and calm him down. Jimin's breath hitched, looking over at Yoongi with those horrified eyes of his. Yoongi almost let out a laugh of pity, biting his lip to keep himself from doing so and instead gave him a sad but reassuring smile, squeezing his leg. Jimin gave him the best smile he could muster in return.

Hesitantly, he looked down at Yoongi's hand on his leg and back up to Yoongi's eyes. The vampires eyes widened slightly, clearing his throat. He could feel a blush coming onto his cheeks as he took his hand away, looking the opposite direction. Not having time to think about what he'd done, he felt a small hand grab his.

Slowly he turned back to Jimin and saw the boy looking down at their hands in a way he couldn't describe, but when the blonde looked back up, he gave a soft smile, entwining their fingers and putting their hands back on his leg.

Yoongi hadn't said a word the whole time and it must've shown on his face that he was shocked at the bold move the younger boy had taken because Jimin's eyes suddenly filled with worry and regret.

"Sorry, I didn't mean- you don't have to- I don't know why I-," He sputtered out as quick as his mouth could form the words.

"No. It's... It's okay," Yoongi replied taking in a breath. He tightened his grip on Jimin's hand in reassurance giving him a soft smile.

A moment or two later the lights began to dim in the theater, signaling that the movie was starting.

Yoongi felt Jimin's hand tighten in his as he glanced over at him with sad eyes. He hated how much the vampire thing got to the boy next to him. The sweet, caring, funny, cute boy that took him in when know one else would. If he were ever to find out... A lump began to rise in his throat at the thought, but he quickly swallowed it down for the sake of his own selfish happiness.


As the movie went on, Yoongi tried his best not to snicker at all the inaccurate things about vampires. Sure a few were true, like the need to drink blood, and how it's definitely harder to live off of animals than humans. Or how once you're bitten you never age. But many other things weren't true. Vampires can go in the sunlight. They do have normal teeth until hungry or feeding. And it was just two of the teeth, not every single one of them. Or how if set on fire, or poisoned, or by any means hurt the same way as a human would be, they'd die just the same. That was why they were almost extinct. Humans became afraid of them and killed them off one by one.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now