Chapter Nineteen

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This chapter is absolute shit I'm so sorry. I reread it twice for errors so tell me if I missed any.

Yoongi shuts the door behind him trying his best to stay calm. The porch roof blocks the rain from falling on him but it's still pouring heavily. The noise of the water bouncing off the roof, street, trees, and everything else surrounding him is loud yet somehow he finds it soothing. He closes his eyes taking in a slow, deep breath as he slides down the door into a sitting position, his arms cradling his knees.

The boy lets out a groan leaning his head back against the wooden door. He runs his tongue over his teeth to see if his fangs had come in, relieved when they hadn't.

Yoongi lets out a short, shaky breath as he runs his hands through his hair. "God, I really need to tell him."

Yoongi gets up slowly and walks over to a rocking chair in the corner of the porch and sits down in it looking out into the street. Other than the loud noise of the rain fall and the clap of thunder every now and then, the streets are quiet. No sign of life can be seen from where Yoongi sits.

Everyone must be inside because of the rain. Yoongi thinks to himself. There aren't even any kids running around playing in the mud and puddles.

A few minutes pass before Yoongi's heart rate slows down and he feels secure again. He takes in one last look at everything around him before cautiously walking back to the door.

He opens the door slowly as if unsure and peeks his head in through the crack of space to look inside. Jimin is seated on the couch watching television, his feet up on the coffee table, pausing the TV when Yoongi walks in.

He gets up and walks over to Yoongi, concern plastered across his face. "Hey, you okay? You really freaked me out back there. I wanted to go after you but I figured you wanted space. What happened?"

Jimin cupped Yoongi's face with one hand, running the other through the vampires hair. Yoongi sighed into the touch, thankful that he couldn't see or smell Jimin's blood anymore.

Well, he couldn't see it. The scent had faded, but it was still faintly hanging in the air. "Jimin I—" Yoongi began. He wanted to tell him. He wanted so badly to tell him, to stop lying. But instead all he could think to say was, "I'm— I think I have a fear of blood."

Yoongi grimaced as the words came out of his mouth. The more he lied to Jimin, the more he hated himself.

Jimin gave him a pitiful smile. "That's okay. Don't be ashamed, everyone has a fear of something."

"But— ugh, I'm not afraid," Yoongi began walking away from Jimin, only to plop onto the couch sighing as he tried to clear his thoughts. "Not of that at least," he mutters under his breath.

"It's okay, Yoongi. You don't have to lie or be ashamed of it. It's not a big deal," Jimin says sitting down next to him.

"I'm not though. I just wish I could tell you—" Yoongi drops his head looking down at the floor and says quietly, "Nevermind, it's nothing. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Jimin asked leaning forward so Yoongi was forced to look him in the eyes.

Yoongi pursed his lips and looked away to the side. "Just— for everything. For me."

"Yoongi, you can trust me. I love you," Jimin pleaded, grabbing Yoongi's hand. "Come on, talk to me. Please. What's wrong?"

Yoongi looked over at Jimin, his face scrunched up in anguish. "Just remember our promise, okay? Please... don't leave. I love you so much."

Jimin bit his lip and smiled. He nodded before leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "Of course, I promise. I love you too."

Yoongi closed his eyes shut, his eyebrows creased together. Just having Jimin's head on his shoulder made him feel guilty. If he had just told Jimin from the beginning none of this would've ever happened. But it was to late. If he told Jimin what he was now, there's no way Jimin would ever be able to trust another person again, let alone trust Yoongi.

I guess I'll just have to hide it forever, Yoongi thought biting his lip and looking out the window.


Yoongi's alarm clock sounded that it was morning. Without opening his eyes, the vampire groaned in agitation and slammed his hand on the table, completely missing the clock. He let out a heavy sigh and turned over in the bed to look at it this time, his eyes like daggers piercing into the numbers: 8:30.

The boy let out a yawn sitting up in bed. Jimin was starting to feel better, as he suggested they share a bed, but the night before caused Yoongi to feel to guilty about it and declined, blaming it on the fact that if he had gotten sick in the rain he didn't want Jimin to catch it. Jimin asked him if he was just lying and didn't want to be near his healing wound, which was partly true, but Yoongi went along with it anyways for Jimin's sake and his own.

The vampire slowly made his way into the kitchen, seeing Jimin already at the table just like the day before, eating cereal and reading the newspaper. Yoongi squinted his eyes in the morning sun as he looked at the blonde. "How the hell are you already up? What time did you even set your alarm for anyways?"

Jimin looked up, having not noticed Yoongi walk in moments before and laughed. "I didn't set an alarm, I just woke up naturally about half an hour ago."

Yoongi looked at him as if he had maggots crawling out of his eyes and shook his head turning around to the kitchen in search of food. "I will never understand you, Jimin."

"It's an exciting day though! Jungkook and Taehyung are coming over, remember?" Jimin called across the room.

Yoongi's eyebrows raised a bit at the reminder. "Oh right, I completely forgot."

"Well they'll be here in like an hour or so, so you better get... presentable."

Yoongi paused what he was doing and laughed. "Presentable? You don't think this," He said turning around to face the blonde and gesturing to himself, "is presentable?"

Jimin looked Yoongi up and down several times with raised eyebrows. He was wearing black sweats that were so old they had begun turning grey, with several small holes placed randomly on the legs. His shirt was about two times to big for him and it said, 'I'm just a motherf***ing ray of sunshine, aren't I?' The vampires hair was also a mess. Half of it stuck up on one side while the other half covered part of his left eye.

Jimin cringed pretending to smile. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to say no, you're not."

"Ouch, Jimin, that hurt. It pierced me like a bullet wound, I hope you know that," Yoongi said pretending to be offended and grabbing his chest as if in pain.

"Oh shush," Jimin replied laughing before taking a bite of his cereal.

Yoongi snickered before helping himself to a bowl as well. "So what are we gonna do today?"

Jimin pouted his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as he thought. "I'm not sure. I guess we never decided that. It's okay, I'm sure we'll think of something. It's always fun with those two."



Hey guys, so sorry it's been a while and that this chapter totally sucked. No matter how many times I rewrote it, it still sounded like trash so I'm really sorry. I know it's cringe. I've been super busy with school stuff lately and I've just been really stressed and depressed in general so I'm sorry I took so long to update.

How is everyone? I get a four day weekend this week so I'm happy for that. I get to go to my dads for two or three days and then sleep over and my friends house so that's fun. Kinda wish I could relax for a day but it's okay, I'm used to it. Have a nice day/night!! 💙💙💙

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