Chapter Twenty-Four

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Yoongi arrived at his parents house knocking three times before his mother opened the door, surprise clear on her face. "Yoongi, it hasn't even been a day... You alright?"

Yoongi nodded looking past her into the house. "Is dad around? I need to um... I need to talk to him."

His mother raised an eyebrow at him before stepping aside. "He's in the bathroom, but I'm sure he'll be out soon."

Yoongi gave her a tight smile before stepping through the door and walking into the living room. He didn't intend on staying long, so he didn't bother taking a seat on the couch.

Finally his father came into the living room. His eyes looked up meeting Yoongi's. "Yoongi, didn't we just see you last night? What brings you here so suddenly?"

Yoongi opens his mouth too speak but as soon as he really thinks about what he wants to say, nothing comes out. He closes his mouth taking a long breath, his eyes fluttering shut. When he released it, his eyes opened again to meet his fathers.

"I think I um..." Yoongi starts before becoming light headed at even the thought of what he was about to say. He takes a step backwards and sits himself into the crease of the couch. "I think I found someone."

Yoongi's father eyes him carefully. "What do you mean found someone?"

Yoongi bites his lip. He didn't want to say the actual words out loud. If he said them, he wouldn't be able to take it back. And he wasn't even sure if he could do that yet, but he had too. He had kept a promise to his father after all.

"I found someone that I...could kill." Yoongi spits out the last two words as if they were milk gone sour. The vampire looked down, already ashamed of himself for even saying it out loud.

"Oh?" His fathers voice perked up and he sat down across from his son leaning forward on his knees. "Who is it?"

Yoongi shuddered at how suddenly his fathers mood changed into a happier one. He's talking about killing a member of a race they both used to be part of, and his father is joyful that Yoongi's even here talking about it. It made him sick.

"He said his name was Chris Richards. As we were walking home, Jimin as I passed by this bar. The guy came out and called us... well, never mind what he called us. Anyways, yeah. He's the one." Yoongi felt bad for basically giving the man a death sentence, but thinking back to how scared Jimin was because of the man, his guilt only changed to anger.

Yoongi's father clapped his hands together bringing Yoongi out of his thoughts. "Alright, so when'll it be? Today? Tomorrow? Anytime works for me. It's up to you, son."

Yoongi took a shaky breath before replying. "How about tonight, say... midnight?"

The older man smiled standing up and clapping Yoongi on the shoulder. "I'll meet you at the bottom of the hill. Don't worry about looking for him, I'll find him."

Yoongi looked down at his feet and nodded. "Okay. See you then. I should go now." With that, Yoongi got up, hugged his mom goodbye, and left the house mentally preparing himself for the night time.


"I'm home," Yoongi called as he stepped through the doorway.

Jimin came up to greet him giving him a light kiss on the lips. "What'd you do? You're back so quick," Jimin spoke through a light hearted laugh.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "Why? You want me to leave?" With that, the vampire turned back around to head out the door but Jimin grabbed his wrist pulling him back around to face him.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You |Yoonmin au|Where stories live. Discover now