Chapter 46 - Preparation for War

Start from the beginning

Everyone's eyebrows raise.

Jimin has a look of mixed surprise and annoyance. "I'm sorry, what? You bought a helicopter, and didn't tell us?"

Namjoon scratches the back of his neck. "I didn't think it was particularly important?"

Jimin gapes, unable to speak.

"I guess that settles that, then," I hum.

"Settles what?" Jungkook asks. "Cause I'm just confused now."

I smile a little. "I know how to fly a helicopter. We'll need to fly high and slowly descend in order to not be immediately caught, but it'll also give us a fast escape. We'll take the helicopter, land it on the roof, and break in from there."

Taehyung blinks. "Why do you know how to fly a helicopter?"

"There was a small period of time where I accompanied Chae on a business trip. I had to learn because he didn't trust anyone else." I shrug. "That backfired greatly."

Jimin chuckles. "I'd say. Alright, so you show off your stupid skills, and we arrive on the building. How do we get in?"

"Through the door," I say flatly. "It's not very sturdy. A kick would take care of it."

His eyebrows go up and his lips part. "It's that easy?"

I clear my throat so my thoughts can get back on track. "Then we have to get past the forty guys who guard the top floor."

"His office isn't the top floor?" Namjoon asks.

"No. He put it two floors down to lower the chances of someone succeeding at a rooftop attack. If he put it on the top floor, we could just put a bomb up there and kill him. Instead, he has the media believe his office is the top floor to throw off his enemies." I shiver. "I was there when someone tried. There were a lot of men lost, but he didn't blink an eye."

Everyone's jaw clenches at the same time. A vein on Jimin's neck defines itself.

Taehyung is the first to speak. "So, we get in there, Jimin-hyung and (Y/N) start the assault, and we follow?"

Namjoon nods, moving the bullets to the top floor on the plan. "Then (Y/N) leads the way to the office, and we take care of Chae."

"What happens if Chae isn't there?" Hoseok says, eyes locked on the bullets. "Even I can't talk our way out of that."

"We'll just have to find him." I run a hand through my hair as I think. "He could be in the basement if they have prisoners, but he spends most of his time in his office. Especially at night."

Jungkook passes over a different marker. "Where does he go besides that? We can memorize the approximate locations and go there if he's not in the office. That way, we have at least an idea of what to do."

I take the marker and circle different rooms in the basement, writing the type of room, what level, and how many men would be around it.

Yoongi picks at the ends of his mint hair. "Does he have bodyguards?"

"His top three most valuable men are always in the same room as him, at the very least. Usually, he has ten grunts with him too." I look to Taehyung and Jungkook. "We'd have to leave them up to you guys. Jimin and I are acting mostly as close combat, so we can't get close without dying."

Taehyung and Jungkook meet eyes for a moment, a silent exchange happening. Then they look back to me.

"We'll take care of them," Taehyung says, Jungkook nodding in agreement.

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