Chapter 46 - Preparation for War

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The next morning, everyone was awake relatively early. Namjoon took the day off work, and Jin and Hoseok closed the suit shop. We'd be spending today planning everything out and tonight, when the sun sets, we're going to attack. All eight of us so Chae can see just who took him down before he dies. Hoseok just requested he not be in the room when we kill him, which didn't bother anyone.

Namjoon sets down a basic floor plan of the building. "Alright, (Y/N) knows the building the best, so he/she and Jimin will lead us through." He puts a bullet down to mark the two of us. "You guys need to have each other's backs so we can give proper support from behind." He sets down a bullet behind ours. "Taehyung and Jungkook are next. They're to take out strays and prevent the rest of us from getting hit." He places one last bullet down. "And this will be the rest of us. Yoongi-hyung and I will take care of most of the combat, but we all need to be on high alert. I'm not the most accurate shot."

Jin and Hoseok both nod.

"Are we going to have weapons?" Jin asks. "We're not strong, but having a knife or something would make us a little better at defense."

Hoseok's lips pull into a nervous line. "Or bulletproof vests? I know we used to have them."

"They went up in the fire," Taehyung replies with a pout. "We didn't get to pack them before we ran out."

"But," Yoongi cuts in, "with those four reckless people in front, we're not going to have a lot of issues in the back. We just have to breathe and not be a hindrance to them."

Hoseok's hands clench before they relax. "Right. Breathe."

Namjoon puts a hand on Hoseok's shoulder. "It'll be alright, hyung. We have your back." He keeps his hand on the older's shoulder as he gestures to the floor plan. "(Y/N), how should we go through the building?"

I look at the plan, visualizing the building itself on top. "The front doors would be a terribly reckless way to go in. That won't work like it did for the small businesses and cash houses. The sewers are also a horrible idea because it'd take us too long to reach his office. There's a lot of side doors, but you need a special code to go in. I think I copied some down on the USB." I take a marker and circle certain points. "There's doors in all these locations. There's also one back here," I circle a new part, "and I recommend this one. It's Chae's personal escape door, so it's actually one sided. However, it's also closest to a hidden stairwell that goes up to his office." I make a line to the stairwell. "There's also an elevator, but..."

"It's too unpredictable?" Jungkook offers.

I nod.

"People could attack us the moment we hit the top floor," Jimin chimes in. "We have to take the stairs even if it makes us tired."

Yoongi frowns. "How many flights of stairs is it?"

I grimace. "Thirty. Plus some hallways."

He looks around the room, obviously horrified. "I'm sorry, I'm just supposed to accept that? I'll die before we even hit ten."

"What else can we do?" Taehyung asks, scratching his head and looking a bit disheartened at the amount of stairs. "Is there another way we could take?"

I bite my lip. "Either we can hijack a helicopter, or..." I point to the side view of the plan. "We scale the building."

"We are not scaling the building," Jin says immediately. "There are many of us who would not only get tired halfway through, but half of us would die."

"Do any of you know how to fly a helicopter?" I cross my arms. "Do we even have access to one?"

Namjoon smiles bashfully. "I have one on top of my building for emergencies, but I don't know how to fly it."

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