(155) - Ankhseram

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"Yes, Lady Ankhseram," Capricorn says, having a stern yet calm expression on his face. All of the celestial spirits turn their attention to the supreme deity, being ready to face off against her.

"Hah! You call this help?" She mocks. "All of you are so weak!" I exchange a look with Libra, seeing her smile. The heavenly scales spirit holds her arms in the air as a powerful, gravity spell appears over the supreme deity, pushing her to the ground.

My mother groans in annoyance, trying to resist Libra's attack. "Now!" Leo calls as Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and him send attacks from afar. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Gemini (who transforms into Zeldris), Capricorn, Ophiuchus, and Pisces attack from close up, landing attack after attack on her.

I raise my hands into the air, feeling my light, darkness, celestial, life, and death powers. I aim two beams of darkness and death at the supreme deity, launching her back a small bit. I send three orbs of light, celestial, and life in her direction, causing her to stumble.

"That's enough!" The supreme deity yells, sending all of us to the ground. I gasp in pain, coughing out blood. I worriedly glance at all thirteen of them, seeing them covered in horrifying gashes and dark bruises.

I immediately close their gates, not wishing for anymore harm to fall on them. "Hah! That was weak!" The supreme deity says, sending a kick into my stomach. I groan, gasping for air.

I force myself to my knees as I breathe heavily. "N-No matter how weak it was, I won't lose!" I say as I clench my fists in desperation, feeling her intense stare.

She snickers, kicking me in the stomach. The supreme deity grabs my hair as I scowl. "You're nothing but a pathetic weakling," she says in a bored tone, tossing me to the ground like a rag doll. "And, now, I've gotten sick of toying with you."

She turns her attention towards the fairy tail mages, the members of the seven deadly sins, the two archangels, Elizabeth, Tatsuo, Zeldris, the original demon, Fraudrin, and Bellion as my eyes widen in terror.

The supreme deity bursts into laughter, glancing at all of them. "Weaklings like them shouldn't even be alive," she says darkly as a twisted smirk appears on her face. My mother slowly makes her way towards them as she carefully holds her sword in her hand.

I force myself to stand up, knowing that I cannot allow her to harm them. "Please, father, give me your power," I beg, closing my eyes in concentration as I hold my hand in the air.

A powerful beam races towards the supreme deity, sending her across the battlefield. My mother quickly gets to her feet, having a stern yet furious expression on her face.

"I don't care what you do or say to me, but don't even think about touching them," I say in a low, deadly tone. "They're my family." The supreme deity chuckles to herself as a smirk appears on her face.

"That's adorable, but some of them hate you with a passion," she mocks. "You deceived them and betrayed them without a second thought. You betrayed the mages of fairy tail when they gave you a home, you could careless about the seven deadly sins and their kindness, and you left and betrayed your own sister. What's so different now?"

I sigh heavily as I clench my fists. "I don't expect you to understand," I say with a calm smile. "Even though I turned my back on them, they're still my family. Besides, I still have Zeldris and the demon clan. They treated me like I was apart of their family, and I will forever be grateful."

"A-Ankhseram, that was beautiful..."

My eyes widen in surprise as I quickly turn around, realizing that everyone (except Elizabeth, Meliodas, and the demon king) was awake. Tears stream down my cheeks as I cover my mouth.

"Ankhseram, please let us help you."

"Yeah, we stand a better chance together!"

I anxiously bite my lip. "This is my business!" I say coldly. "You can either stay back or leave." Wendy frowns, glancing at Natsu. The fire dragon slayer makes his way towards me, having a serious expression on his face.

"No." He meets my gaze. "None of us will leave. You said we were family, and because of that, we'll stand with you whether you're Lucy or Ankhseram." Tears form in my eyes as I glance around the battlefield, noticing warm smiles on everyone's faces.

"T-Thank you..."

Wendy smiles, rushing in my direction. She engulfs me in a hug as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. "Ankh..." Zeldris' voice comes from behind. I turn to face him as he picks me up, holding me close to him.


"I've had about enough of this pathetic reunion!" The supreme deity roars in irritation. "Now, it's time for all of you to die!" I exchange a look with Juvia, seeing her calm yet serious expression.

All of them charge towards the supreme deity, sending their own attacks in her direction. She laughs,  knocking them to the ground and creating deep gashes and dark bruises on them.

I narrow my eyes the supreme deity, feeling a new determination form within me. "Okay, mother," I say, feeling her amused stare. "It's about time I get serious."

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