(118) - Elizabeth

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I lay weakly in a dark room, feeling the darkness arise within me. My head throbs as my eyes barely stay open. The more time passed, the worse my curse got. Why is Ankhseram doing this? I ask myself.

Long ago, we were super close. Ankhseram and I could practically read each other's minds. Even when our father took her under his wing, we continued to stick together like glue.

A few years later, Ankhseram completely mastered her powers and became the second most powerful goddess in our clan after our mom. Every young member aspired to be like her, constantly training to be their best.

One day, I traveled outside the celestial realm and met Meliodas. It wasn't exactly love at first sight; instead, we fought our very first encounter. Even so, both of us returned the following day.

This time, we talked like civilized beings. As time passed, we fell for each other. As night approached, I excitedly rushed home to tell Ankhseram.

When I made it home, Ankhseram was waiting for me in my room. She told me that our mother was planning to go to war with the demon clan. I laughed it off, thinking she was joking.

Ankhseram told me multiple times, but eventually, I got tired of it. I yelled at her to stop and leave me alone. She did. She walked away, not daring to look back.

The next day, I met with Meliodas. He informed me that he left the demon clan for me. Excitement formed within me as we headed to the celestial realm. At the time, I wanted to tell Ankhseram about Meliodas and how he left his clan for me.

When I made it to the palace, the stench of blood filled the throne room. I let out a loud, ear piercing scream. A maid rushed in, telling me that Ankhseram was responsible for the death of twenty royal guards.

All I remember was the feeling of numbness that filled within me. I longed for my older sister to be by my side. Even now, it doesn't make sense why she betrayed us.

The rattling of keys comes from outside of the room as I narrow my eyes at the door. The door slams open as Fraudrin walks in, wearing a serious expression. "Lady Ankhseram has requested to see you in the throne room," he says sternly.

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