Chapter 22. Legend of the Aurora

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It has been many weeks since Khione traveled with us. I was thinking about returning to my castle so Soren can deal with Khione's powers, but I can't return unless I find Urey's master. So while we find Urey's master, we have to be careful not to touch Khione because we will become a living ice sculpture if we do. I am seriously not joking, everything she touches turns into ice, even the ground, but I guess no one can tell since the ground is already frozen. While we journey across the land of snow, we spotted a group of penguins. Khione stops walking and stares at the penguins with amazement.

Zelphine: Is this your first time seeing penguins?

Khione: Yes, up till now, I've only seen these creatures in books.

Zelphine: Is that so.(smile) Are you enjoying yourself?

Khione: (smile) Yes.

We travel through the arctic land and saw many breathtaking views, Khione was just as excited as I was. The next village we stayed at was filled with ice and snow. Apparently this village is filled with travelers dressed in thick winter coats, I'm guessing that means they're native to this land.

Zelphine: I wonder why there are so many travelers here? should be about that time already...

Zelphine: What do you mean Sheele?

Sheele:...These travelers..they are probably here to climb the Cascade Mountain...

Zelphine: Why would they want to do that?

Sheele:...It says...every one hundred years...a beautiful aurora will appear at the summit of the mountain...

Zelphine: Sheele, we're up north, we see auroras all the time...small ones I guess.

Sheele: Yes...but legend has it...that a miracle will happen for those who see the aurora.

Zelphine: That sounds too good to be true, there must be a catch to it, right?

Sheele: Yes...many people..have lost their life getting there...but many people still climb it...despite the dangers...

Zelphine: Interesting,(smile) Let's all climb it then, after all. The thrills of fun comes with a little danger. Besides, this will be a great experience for you Khione.

Khione: (smile) Okay then.

Can we really do it? Well for now we need to make sure Khione is safe during this climb, she's still a princess after all. I don't think me and Sloth can protect her during this climb. We're not snow spirits, we have our own problems to deal with. I don't know if I should let Sheele guard Khione because she might get distracted fighting with Sloth. Which leaves Urey...yeah that's a bad idea. Urey may be skilled, but she is clumsy beyond anything I've ever seen. But...Urey and Khione do seem to be around the same age unless one of them stops growing as a kid. Either way, maybe I should let Urey watch over Khione since they are both kids...I think.

Zelphine: Hey Urey, during this climb, can you help protect Khione for me.

Urey: Kay! I shwall do mai bess.

Zelphine: Thanks Urey, I'm counting on you.

Urey's face began to turn red and she looked down at the ground.

In the morning, we journeyed towards the cascade mountain. While we climbed the mountain, we saw many other travelers climbing it too. The air in the mountain was cold and the landscape is covered full of snow. In the afternoon, snow began to fall and the air seems colder. Because of the lack of oxygen in the air, we decided to take a break.

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