Chapter 16. Mercanaries of the Snow

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Zelphine: is really cold up north.

I hugged myself to keep warm as the cold air surrounds me. It has been three days since I left my castle to travel the arctic lands. I am currently in the kingdom of ice, the ruler of this kingdom is the ice queen. I hope to meet her on this journey. As I began to walk, I slipped on the crystal color ground.

Zelphine: Ah!

Before I fell, Sloth caught me and held me close.

Sloth: Hime, are you alright.

Zelphine: I am now.

The ice kingdom is cover with ice so there is not much snow. Maybe if I travel to the snow kingdom I'll get to see more of it?

Sloth: Hime, can I ask where are we traveling to in the arctic land.

Zelphine: Hmm...don't know, we don't have a clear destination. While I was traveling with my papa, we just go with the flow.

Sloth: By that, what do you mean?

Zelphine: You'll see.

I gave him a mischievous smile as a glide on the sparkling icy floor. Just then a giant white creature came out from the covers of ice and attacked me. It then swung it's fist at me, shoot, I don't have time to move! Before his fist hit me, Sloth swiftly grabbed me and got out of the creatures way. He had a hard time maneuvering on ice so we fell and glided on the icy floor. It is going to be hard to fight because of the icy land. The white creature charge at us. I got up and summoned out Zetsumeigai. My ring responded and it turned into a scythe, dark aura burst from my body. Sloth drew his short sword (silencer) and we both attack. The icy land limited my movement but I did my best to run. When I was in range, I swung my scythe. But before I did, the white creature swatted me away, it seems that his arms were longer than my scythe. I was flung into a rugged block of ice.

Sloth is currently attacking the white creature at blinding speed. Since it's hard for him to maneuver on the ground, he just steps on the white creature, then attacks it. The creature let out a loud roar then spins himself. The monster was able to swat Sloth away to a nearby ice boulder, then it charges towards him.

From a distance, I heard someone yelled, " Over here! I found the Yeti!" Just then, a magical circle in the shape of a snowflake appear on the ground where the creature was standing. Then a large thick icicle shot up from the ground trapping the creature from all directions. But then the creature knocked down the icicle and roar loudly. I can see many people dressed in a thick winter coat glide towards the creature carrying a large thick rope. They skillfully maneuver on the ice and circle the creature while tying it with the rope. The creature struggles viciously.

Leader: Everyone! Hold him down!

The man with light blue hair ordered everyone and they obeyed, he must be the leader. The creature then smashes it's fist on the ground making it crack. The men who were tying it down lost their grip and fell to the icy floor. Then the creature made a quick getaway.

Man 1: Dammit! It got away...again!

Man 2: We were so close this time too.

Leader: Don't worry about it. Catching a Yeti isn't easy, we'll get it next time for sure.

Then the leader of the group went over to were I was sitting and helped me up.

Leader: Are you alright?

Just then Sloth dash over and held is sword between us. At the same time, a woman with black hair and blue eyes came in front of the leader and held a long sword against Sloth.

Leader: Hey now, we don't mean any harm. Sheele put away your sword.

Sheele:......chief...they seem suspicious.

The woman name Sheele stared at Sloth with eyes like daggers. Sloth just stares back with a piercing gaze.

Zelphine: That's enough Sloth.

I put my hand on his shoulder and Sloth sheath his sword.

Leader: You too, Sheele.

Sheele stares at us for a long time, then she finally puts away her sword.

Leader: Sorry about Sheele's behavior. Anyway, you two don't seem to be around here. Who are you and what brings you to these parts?

I don't think I should tell them that I am the reaper king, Soren did say to keep a low profile.

Zelphine: I'm Zelphine. This here is Sloth, we are traveling the arctic land together. Who might you be?

I smiled at them so they can't see my evilness. Soren tells me to smile at people to keep my personality in check. Yet, I don't know why I should?

Leader: Names Yukon, you've already met Sheele.

Sheele stares at us, then looks away.

Yukon: Sorry, She doesn't do good around strangers.

Zelphine: Might I ask why you were trying to capture that creature?

Yukon: Who? Oh! You meant the Yeti.

Zelphine: Ye...ti?

Yukon: Yeah, their rare creatures around these parts. Someone is offering a high price if we capture one.

Zelphine: Meaning, you're mercenaries.

Yukon: Yep.

Zelphine: Hmm....

Capturing a Yeti, that sounds interesting. Besides, I have to pay that Yeti back for angering me. Perhaps I can find someone to come along with me too. I secretly flash a evil smile when no one was looking. Then I turn my attention to Yukon.

Zelphine: Is it alright if we come along and help you capture that Yeti? Don't worry about the reward, you can keep it.

Yukon: Yes, but why?

Zelphine: My main goal is to travel around the arctic lands. But I am unfamiliar with the landscape here. I can maybe get use to the geography if I travel with you. Besides, I have to pay that Yeti back for the damage it's done. (And if I'm lucky, I can find someone to come with me on my journey)

I gave Yukon my angelic smile to hide my ulterior motive.

Yukon: Well...alright then. But Sheele has to watch over you guys.

Sheele looks at Yukon with a shocked expression, Sloth looks really annoyed.

Sheele: Chief....I'll watch over that girl...but not that guy.

Yukon: Then I guess I will watch over him then.

Sloth: I prefer to stay with hime.

Yukon: Hime?

I got close to Sloth and whispered in his ear.

Zelphine: (whispering) Sloth, on this journey, do not call me hime. Also go with Yukon, we might be able to find companions if we travel with them.

Sloth had a very bad feeling. But he nodded his head.

Sloth: Very well. Snow woman, if there's any harm that comes to Zelphine, I'll cut you down myself.

Sheele: Right back at you...demon.

The air just got really tense as Sloth and Sheele stares at each other with killing intent. I think I even saw lighting flying back and forth between them in their eyes.

Yukon: Now, now. Get along you two.

Yukon grabs both of them and pushes them together. They touched slightly, then swiftly got away from each other and drew their swords.

Zelphine: Oh boy.

I put my hand on my head and looked down. This is going to get dangerous but at least I'm not bored anymore.

ZetsumeiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon