Chapter 41. Pirates of the Ocean

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Zelphine: Grandpa, isn't that a bit unfair?

Luciano: Why is that granddaughter? If they duel each other, the last one standing will come with you. Since the winner is the strongest one, you'll be safe and I don't have to worry about you while you're gone.

Zelphine: Still, isn't it better to base it on luck and not strength. Some will be at a disadvantage and someone will definitely get hurt.

Luciano: If someone gets injured, little Alma can heal them. But, I guess you do have a point. Little Urey and little Fauna are at a disadvantage since they're not as strong. Hm...okay! We'll go with luck.

Zelphine: Soren, how should we decide this?

Soren: How many are going this time?

Zelphine: Huh? Hm..Last time I took two about I take three this time.

Soren closes his eyes and begins to think, after five seconds he opens them, I'm assuming that he has a plan.

Soren wrote the numbers 1-12 on each small slips of paper and put it in a box. Everyone besides me, Soren, Grandpa, and Khione took a slip from the box. Khione can't come yet since she hasn't fully learn to control her powers.

Soren: Hime-sama, pick three numbers from 1-12

Zelphine: about 8, 6, and 12.

Soren: Okay everyone, Open your slip and read out your number. The person with 8, 6, or 12 are going.

One by one, everyone shouted out their number.

Yuri: (sigh) I guess I'm 9. (Oh well, better luck next time)

Sheele:...12. (The ocean...I wonder what it looks like..?)

Cosmo: Hm..the number is 10. (No matter, I have a blue hair subject to study)

Thea: I have 2. (It's too bad I can't go. Maybe I'll do some gardening while I'm staying here?)

Urey: Twee!! (Di Ay ween!! Di Ay ween!!) (translation: Did I win?)

Kai: Dammit! Why am I 11? (Not again! Why am I always left out?!)

Sloth: 1 (....It's better if he doesn't remember)

Kuon: (smirks) 8! (I guess fate has chosen me)

Layhel: (crumbles up paper) 7 (why must I stay with these idiots!)

Shion: 6..(......)

Alma: 5. (At least there are a lot of books here)

Fauna: u-um..4.(...sigh..I really wanted to see the dolphins and those eight-legged thingys)

Soren: It's been decided. Sheele, Kuon, and Shion are coming with you then.

Well, it's been decided fair and square. It's gonna be me, Zero, Kuon, Sheele, and Shion who are traveling to the Ocean land. We prepare for our journey all day and in the next morning we head to the Ocean land located northeast from here.

Luciano: Goodbye granddaughter! Be careful! Bring back some treasure for us! Oh! and watch out for pirates and especially sea monsters!

In three days, we arrived at a port town near the border of the ocean land. Now all we need to do is find a sailor to take us to the island where reflection falls is at. I stared out at the vast blue ocean. All I could see was the blue waves out in the horizon. It smelled kinda salty too. Everyone else was amazed, I'm guessing it's their first time seeing the ocean. The ocean is pretty, but I still prefer to stay on land since I can't swim.

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