Chapter 45 Mermaid Cove

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Zelphine: (sigh) bored.

It's been a week and we have been sailing nonstop. I'm starting to get really bored because there is absolutely nothing to do in the ship. Sometimes, sea monsters come out to wreak havoc and other times the storm pounds our ship. Either that, nothing special happened.

I notice Zero talking to himself lately and his headaches are happening more often. Is he alright? Whenever I go talk to him about it, he just smiles as if it was nothing. I shouldn't be surprise because Zero is already weird. In fact...I think I'm starting to become weird too. I've been concerned about him more often and talking to him more lately. Whenever I talk to him, my heart annoyingly starts pounding. I think there's something wrong with me. Hmm...maybe I'll ask Alma to examine me when I get back.

In the after noon, after a long time we spotted land. Since we dock on the island, I'm assuming this island is where reflection falls is at. Finally! I can't wait to know who Zero is.

Zelphine: Haaa...It feels great to be on land again.(stretching) So, which way is it to reflection falls?

Captain Sigrun: Hold on missy. This isn't the island where it is.

Zelphine: (angry) What?!! Then why did we dock here!

Captain Sigrun: There there missy. We're running low on supplies and we need to repair our ship. It endured the storm, cannons, and attacks. Anymore and it'll begin to sink. Besides, after sailing for awhile, you could use the break.

Zelphine: True...Alright then, I guess we can take a break for awhile.

Captain Sigrun: Great! Once we repair the ship, we'll leave tomorrow night.

Zelphine: Tomorrow night? Why not tomorrow morning?

Captain Sigrun: don't need to know that, it's just because.

For a whole day, we gather food on the island and repair the ship. Once it's repaired, the next morning Captain Sigrun ask me and Sheele to watch the ship while all the men go into the forest. I don't understand why Kuon, Shion, Zero, Tidus, and Raine get to go with them while me and Sheele stay to watch the ship. They also said that they aren't going to come back till night time and I'm wondering, why?

..................................change perspective.....................................

Kuon: Hey you, where are you taking us?

Captain Sigrun: Oh, it's just a place for us men to relax, you guys can really use it.

Kuon: Then why isn't Zelphi and Sheele coming along with us?

Captain Sigrun: Like I said, it's only for men. If the lassies come along, it'll spoil the fun.

Kuon: Seriously, where exactly are we going.

Captain Sigrun: Hm..You're no fun at all. Well, I might as well tell you then. There are actually two reasons why I dock on this island. First, it's to repair the ship. And second, it's because of the mermaids.

Kuon:(confused)...What. Why would you come here for that?

Captain Sigrun: To play around of course! This island has mermaids that live in a special cove.

Tidus: Mermaids? They're a type of sea monsters right. (Takes out sword) In that's case, I can't wait until chimera absorbs one of them. Hm..I wonder what kind of form Chimera will take?

Captain Sigrun: Whoa there Lad! Put away your sword. There will be no killing happening on my watch. And besides, how can you describe those beauties as sea monsters.

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