Chapter 32. The Abandoned Forest

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Once we stepped out the Kingdom of Evergreen, the whole scenery changed. All around me, there were dead trees and dried grass. It was as if the land here was abandoned long ago.

Fern: You're surprised aren't you Reaper King.

Zelphine: Very! It was not what I had expected at all. Is it the same everywhere else.

Fern: Yes...everywhere besides the Evergreen Kingdom and the Flower Kingdom. The rest to the kingdoms are abandoned, no one lives here anymore.

After walking for awhile, we rested near a hollow log. While Kuon was talking to Yuri, I went over to where Zero is sitting.

Zelphine: Zero, is your headache gone now.

Zero: I can't say. My head would start hurting and then the pain will cease. Then later, the headaches would come back two times stronger. But I'll be alright, it's not that serious.

Just then, we heard a noise from behind a dead tree.

Zelphine: !! Who's there! Show yourself!

Everyone got out their weapons and went into a fighting stance.From behind the dead tree, a familiar purple-eye girl poked her head out.

Fern: Fauna! Why are you here! It's dangerous, go back!

Fauna: I-I-I w-w (mumbling again)

Fern: (sigh)

Fern went over to Fauna and Fauna whispered into Fern's ear. After awhile, Fern came back.

Fern: It seems that Fauna followed us here. She says she wants to go with us to the Kingdom of Flowers.

Zelphine: You're going to let her come, isn't it dangerous?

Fern: Yeah, but because of Fauna's personality, she'll hide and won't do anything reckless.

Zelphine: Well, okay then.

As we continued to walk, we came across a flower field. In the middle of the flower field, we saw a girl with a black scarf tending to the flowers. When she touches the withered flowers, a shimmering green light appear and the flower came back to life in a vivid red color.

Zelphine: Hey Fern, I thought you said no one lives here.

Fern: Well, I guess most of everyone. Some of the forest spirits don't want to leave their home land.

Zelphine: Is that so...

I walked towards the girl with long light green hair.

Zelphine: (smile) Hello

The black scarf girl stood in front of me and spread her arms out as if she's protecting the flower field.

Black scarf girl: L-Leave! I won't let you dark elves destroy anymore of the forest.

Zelphine: Do I look like a dark elf to you? I'm just a traveler y'know.

Black scarf girl: Travelers? (Happy sigh) It's been a long time since someone came to visit this part of the forest. My name is Thea, who are all of you.

We each told her our name.

Thea: (smile) It's nice to meet you all.

Fern: Thea, why are you still in this abandoned land. Most of the other forest spirits evacuated to the Evergreen or Flower Kingdom.

Thea: I...I wanted to revive the forest back to its vivid green color.

Fern: Won't that take a long time, not to mention it's dangerous out here!

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