Chapter 34. The Lonely Witch

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After a few minutes, Shion's blood butterflies flew out of the mist. They gather around him, one landed on the tips of his fingers. Shion stares at them as if he was listening to what their saying.

Shion:.... My friends tell me that they found a small patch of Begonias near here.

Zelphine: Really, that's great!

After that, I held onto Shion's hand as he guides me through the mist. Back in the mist, I couldn't see anything so my steps are hesitant. But Shion confidently continues to walk as if he knows where everything is. He then suddenly stops walking.

Shion: ...We're here.

On the ground in front of us, we spotted a small patch of white flowers.

Zelphine: Are those the Begonias?

Shion nodded his head. I bent down and pluck one of the small flowers. I brought it to my face and smelled it. It had a sweet aroma and I curved my lips into a smile. After that, I followed Shion out of the mist and when back to the dark and eerie forest where everyone was waiting. Everyone yelled my name when they saw me.

Kuon: Zelphi! You're back!!

Zelphine:I did promise didn't I?

Fern: But how were you able to make it back so quick?! And who's that guy?

Zelphine: Oh, this is Shion, he was the one who help guide me through the mist.

Shion nodded his head at every one. Fern walked toward Shion and bowed her head.

Fern: Thank-you for helping us, it really means a lot.

Shion didn't say anything and gave another nod. After that, I presented a handful of Begonias to Alma. She nodded in approval and moved the walking trees out of the way. She then turns around and starts walking, I'm guessing we're suppose to follow her.

We followed Alma into a small cottage. Inside, there were many indoor flowers and plants. The shelves were packed with books and her table is filled with bottles and jars. We set Fauna down on the bed as Alma began to brew a potion.

Alma:...1 teaspoon of chamomile seeds...2 knotted Alyssum roots...pollen from a hibiscus...4 drops of rosemary.....

She then grabbed the Begonias and threw them into the pot.

Alma: And the key ingredient...a handful of Begonias.

Zelphine: (Huh? She's using the Begonias? Wait! Could it be that the reason she asked us to get the Begonias was to save Fauna?!)

Alma began to stir the ingredients clockwise...then counterclockwise...and clockwise again. After awhile, the mixture turned into a orange color that doesn't look safe to drink considering the ingredients she put in. Alma then drain the liquid in a purple bottle and hand it to Fern.

Alma: Give this to her.

Fern: Humph!!

Fern snatched it from Alma's hand and quickly ran towards Fauna. She was barely breathing and her face twist in pain. Fern slowly brought the cup to Fauna's mouth and she swallowed a mouthful before beginning to cough.

Fern: Why you!!! So it was poison after all!

Zelphine: Relax, I think the medicine worked.

When Fauna stopped coughing, her breathing became smooth and the purpleness in her lips starts to turn back to their normal pink color. Fern let out a loud sigh of relief.

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