Chapter 7. The Six General's Pursuit

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Three days ago

Back at Ysviel's castle, Ysviel is growing bored and out of patience. He letted out a loud and long sigh.

Ysviel: How much longer will that woman make me wait.

Senator: Have patience your highness, she will definitely come.

Ysviel: How can you be so sure senator?

Senator: If that child is every bit like her mother and father, then I'm sure there is no way she would be able to abandon Silva.

Ysviel: But all this waiting is making me bored.

Suddenly Ysviel's eyes lit up.

Ysviel: Ah! I know! Let's play a little game to speed up the process.

With a loud thunderous voice, Ysviel yelled.

Ysviel: I summon you! Yuri! Faust! Noel! Rajak! Shiva! Kai!

Just then, six men appeared from the shadow. They all kneel to Ysviel.

Faust: You called, my prince.

Ysviel: Here are your orders, I want the six of you to find and kill a certain woman with white hair. According to the soldiers, she has astounding beauty with red and blue eyes. I'm sure you should recognize her right away. Well, you have your orders, now go!

On Ysviel's order, the six men disappear into the shadows again.

Ysviel: Zelphine, I wonder how well you will do against my six reaper generals. Let's see if you can make it to my castle, or be killed along the way. Either way, this will be fun.

....................change perspective.....................

Zelphi: Let's go look for that diamond man, if we're lucky, he should still be in town.

Kuon: If we are to look for him, we should hurry. After what happen at the town square, I doubt he would stay in this town for long.

After deciding what to do, me, Kuon, and Sloth split up and searched for the diamond man. While I was searching at the market, I felt a presence over my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw a overly tall and creepy man. He had long black hair covering his face and lots of scars visible on his body. In between his hair, I saw his dark eyes staring at me. It send chills down my spine. After staring at me for a long time, the scarred man left as if nothing happened. What was that about?

I couldn't find the diamond man at the market place so I went to the park next. At the park, I heard someone crying. When I went to see where the sound was coming from, I saw a girl stuck in a tree. It's seems that she is crying because she can't get down from there. I was going to go help her, but then a man with royal blue hair stopped by the tree.

Blue hair man: There, there, don't cry. Here, jump down I'll catch you.

The little girl hesitated

Blue hair man: Don't worry, it's not scary at all.

The blue haired man gave the girl a smile as he held out his arms.

The girl finally decides to jump. While she was jumping, she was screaming at the same time. Thud! The blue haired man caught the girl in his arms, he then sets her down.

Blue hair man: There, try not to climb anymore trees.

The girl waved the man goodbye and disappear into the streets. I was really touched by the blue hair man's action, so I walked up to him.

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