Chapter 43. Battle at Sea

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.................................Third person perspective..............................

In a port town somewhere in the ocean land, a man with blue hair and red eyes wants to set out into sea. He was equipped with a steel blue sword and had a red cloth tied to his clothes in many places. Since the sailors are too scared to set sail, he approaches a pirate ship in hopes of them letting him ride. But as he got closer, he was surrounded by 20 or so pirates. In the middle, a man with brown hair and a black pirate hat stepped out. He had an eye patch on his left eye and a green eye on his right. It was oblivious that he was the pirate captain.

Pirate Captain: What's this? Why are you here stranger?

Blue swordsman: Take me out to sea. If it's money you want, I don't have it.

Pirate Captain: Hm..Alright. But first, you have to beat all twenty of my men here.

The pirate crew laugh when their captain said that.

Pirate 1: (laughing) Hahaha!!! Captain you're too much!

Pirate 2: Heh! How do you expect him to take down all twenty of us, let alone even one! I'll take him on! Watch, this will be quick and easy so just sit back and enjoy the show.

The pirate who said that rolled up his sleeves and charged towards the blue swordsman with his bare fist. Once they were close enough, the pirate strike but the blue swordsman dodged. He then grabbed the pirate by his arm and flipped him down on his back. The pirate let out a groan.

Blue swordsman: You're right, this will quick and easy.

Pirate 1: (angry) Tai! Why you!! You'll pay for this. Let's get'm!

The pirates all drew their weapons and charged towards the blue swordsman. The blue swordsman drew his sword and skillfully block and attack the pirates. He was strong and is able to overpower them.

Just then, three rifle men shot their bullets at him. The swordsmen raised his sword and yelled,"Suiro! Lend me your aid!". Just then from the sea, a streak of water shot out and blocked the flying bullets making them stop in place. He then concentrated his aura, there was a blue energy that surrounded him. The water near them began to swirl, it then shot out into the air. The blue swordsman fired a streak of water with the structure of a dragon towards the pirates.

Blue Swordsman: Blast of the Water Dragon!

The water crashed into them and washed all the pirates into sea. Suddenly, the pirate captain starts clapping.

Pirate captain: (smirks) Welcome aboard mate. I am Gilbert, captain of this crew. I must say, I'm impress with your skills. I don't dislike people like you. Say, you wouldn't mind helping me with something would you.

Blue swordsman: Go on.

Captain Gilbert: I'm meeting up with an old friend of mine today. Well, more like a rival and currently my enemy and I was wondering if you'd help with our fight.

Blue swordsman: No choice, you probably won't let me ride if I don't.

Captain Gilbert: Ahahaha!!! How perceptive of you.

Blue swordsman: But remember this, I do not harm women and children.

Captain Gilbert: Hmm...I don't think Sig has any in his crew so I'll be fine. to my perspective...........................

Tidus: Whaat?!! We were attacked by sea monsters?! Aw-!! why didn't you wake me up!

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