Chapter 30. Guardians of the Forest

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Me and Zero went back to where Kuon and Yuri were waiting, they ran towards us when they saw us.

Kuon: Where did you go! Don't run off like that, what if you were attacked.

Zelphine: Kuon, I'm pretty sure that I am fully capable of defending myself.

Yuri: Still, we were worried. While you were gone, Kuon panicked abit.

Kuon: Wha- I was not! By the way, whose that guy.

Kuon and Yuri were staring at Zero.

Zelphine: While I was chasing a squirrel, I found this man in a hidden tunnel. I call him Zero since he doesn't remember who he is. I asked him to travel with us in hopes that he is able to regain his memory so get along with him okay.

Zero: (smile) I'm in your care.

Yuri: Princess...this man is unusual. I don't feel any life energy from him, it's as if he is dead.

Zelphine: Yeah...I also find it unusual. But what harm can it do? Maybe when we finish exploring this land, we can let Soren examine him.

Yuri: (sigh) Well, if you say so.

The next day, we finally cross the borders to the forest land, it was filled with nature. Zero gets weirder and weirder the more I get to know him.What I find really weird about him is that whatever he touches in the forest withers, I am very curious of who he really is. Well hopefully the answer will be revealed during our journey.

As we are traveling through the forest, we saw a girl being cornered by six soldiers with long pointy ears. They must be elves. But more importantly, I should help her, she looks scared.

Zelphine: Hey! Get away from her!

The soldiers turned around and looked at us.

Soldier 1: Huh? Demons?

Soldier 3: Why are they in this land?

Soldier 4: Leave us at once if you don't want to die!

Zelphine: (evily) Don't tell me what to do.....

I got out Zetsumeigai, dark aura burst from my body and my surroundings began to wither....okay I admit, I can wither the forest too, but that's only because of my powers. Zero on the other hand can do it with just a touch, not by his powers...if he even has any.

The soldiers became tense and pointed their swords at me. They were shaking a bit. increase my aura to intimidate them, my dark aura became intense.

Zelphine: (evily) Leave...

With one word, they panicked and ran. When they were gone, I put Zetsumeigai back into its ring form and walked towards the girl. She had light brown hair that is almost blonde and her large purple eyes stared at me with nervousness.

Zelphine: Are you o-

Purples eyed girl: Eeek!

The girl with purple eyes ran behind a tree a few feet away. She then peaked her head out and stared at us. What is she doing? Just then, there was a gust if wind and five leafs flew towards us like daggers. We all jumped out of the way.

Girl: Fifthly demons, you have disturbed this forest! Leave at once!!

We look towards the direction of the voice and saw a little girl standing on top of a tree branch. She was dressed in green with her long green hair tied at the end. She also had elf ears and her yellow eyes stared at us with an angry expression.

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