Chapter 46. Truth Within

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After a few more weeks, we finally arrive at the island where reflection fall is located at. Just in case, I asked the captain many times to make sure this is really the place. Sure enough, we're here. We docked the ship near the bay and traveled into the forest.

Zelphine: Isn't it great Zero, we're finally here! You'll be able to regain your memory.

Zero: (smile) Yes, and thank you..for everything you have done to help me.

Thump! Ahh..there it is again. My heart is beating like crazy and I don't even know why. This is really annoying, if only I can jus-..hey, wait a second. Doesn't reflection falls show you your inner self that even you don't know about? Then doesn't that mean my inner self also know why my heart is beating like this? Now there's an idea, I could go ask my inner self then.

Captain Sigrun: Remember the promise we made. Once we get you to reflection falls, you have to help us find the treasure.

Zelphine: Yeah yeah, I still remember.

After walking for awhile, we came to a lake that has a large waterfall crashing down. At the bottom of the waterfall, there is a beautiful girl with light blue hair sitting on a flat white rock. She had blue eyes and a tear drop ornament in her forehead. All the pirates looked at her in awe as if she was some goddess. Well I admit, she is quite pretty. I looked over at Zero, he has the same smiling expression he wears all the time. He is just plain weird, I can't even tell what he is thinking. When she spotted us, she got up and walk towards us on water.

Water nymph: Welcome, I am Laguna, the water nymph that help travelers who come to reflection falls. So, are you the travelers who seek the truth within yourself?

Zelphine: Yes, this man here is trying to regain his memory and I also want to try it too.

Kuon: What? Why would you want to do it?

Zelphine: (irritated) I just wanna take a look at my inner self. Got a problem?

Kuon: (doesn't care) Do whatever you want.

The water nymph made me and Zero sit face to face with the waterfall. In front of me, the water was crystal clear that I can even see me face in it.

Laguna: Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then sharpen your senses and feel your surroundings.

We did as we were told. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in...and out. I listened and hear the sounds of the waterfall crashing down and the tropical birds chirping..well, more like squawking. I smell the water..and whatever water smells like. I also felt tiny droplets of water splashing on me.

But then, as if all my senses were shut down. I hear nothing, nor can I see anything. I don't feel anything and it smells like...nothing. But once I blink, I heard the sound of bells and my surroundings change.

Zelphine:Where am I? Why am I here instead of sitting below a waterfall? Hm..I don't see the others. (Sigh) this is really weird.

My surroundings tell me that I am in a cathedral. I am certain of it because I spend most of my childhood in one. Still, I do not understand why I am here. As I look around the church, I spotted a long white hair girl kneeling in front of a statue praying. When she turn around, I was surprise.

Zelphine(red eyes): (surprised) W-What the-! Is that-

White hair girl(blue eyes): (surprised) I-I don't believe it. I-It's-

Both: Me...

...............................change to third person.....................................

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