Chapter 5. Silent Sloth

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The next morning, me, Sloth, and Kuon discussed how we are going to assassinate the mayor.

Sloth: Here's the layout of the town. We'll infiltrate this building right here at midnight. If we take out the mayor, then the rest of the high class will have no choice but to go. Occasionally the mayor would host parties with the high class. In the worst case scenario, we might have to take them on too. But if were lucky, he would be asleep and we can kill him swiftly.

Zelphi: do you know all of this?

Sloth: Besides stealing, gathering information is also my speciality.

At night, when the clock strikes twelve, we move out towards the building. Sloth moved swiftly and silently in the night, I had trouble keeping up at full speed. Just why is he named Sloth anyway. He is too quick but at least he got the quiet part right. I wonder what does a sloth sounds like anyway? When we got to the mayors house, we followed Sloth through the halls. I find it unusual because it was too quiet and the security was light. His house is very big that I can easily get lost. Well...actually I would get lost because I have a poor sense of direction. Once we got to the doors of the mayor's room. Sloth signal with his finger. One! Two!! Three!!! We all burst open the door and towards the mayor's bed. But he wasn't there.

Sloth: Look out!!!

Sloth pushed me down. Splat! There was a acid like substance that dissolve from where I was standing.

Mayor: I thought I smelled a rat.

From the door, the mayor and a bunch of rich people are gathered there.

Mayor: I guess having a quick midnight snack won't hurt.

Then the mayor and other rich people turned into slimy creatures in the shape of a slugs, frogs, and lizards. They were all covered in yellowish green slime and personally, they smell horrible.

We drew our weapons and attack. As we are running towards them, they spit acid at us. I did my best to dodge it then landed a blow on one of the slime monsters rib. But my attack didn't cut in, instead they slipped through. It must've been because of the slime. Kuon and Sloth are having the same problem.

Zelphi: Ah! Look what you did to my scythe. It's covered with slime and the acid is dissolving the metal.

Then they spew a wave of acid at us. Since I couldn't get away fast enough, I rotated my scythe really quick and deflected the acid. The pressure of it was so strong that some of the acid seeps through and burn my skin.

Sloth: No good, we have to retreat.

As we were running in the hall, we thought out another strategy.

Kuon: This isn't good, our attacks aren't affecting them.

Zelphi: But they must have some kind of weakness.

Sloth: Those slime monsters are made of water, that means they are a water attribution type. If I remember my principle of elements correctly, then thunder is effective against water.

Kuon: Where are we going to get the electricity from? We don't have a thunder spell or sword.

Zelphi: Hey, Sloth. Where is the power generator located at?

Sloth: I believe it's somewhere at the balcony.

Zelphi: Great! Then here's what we'll do. Kuon, you lure the slime monsters below the balcony. Sloth, you follow me and I'll explain your role along the way.

With that, we split up. Kuon did his best to lure them below the balcony. He would've been vaporized many times if he didn't look behind once awhile. Once they were below the balcony, Sloth was standing at the center holding a long thick wire. Then he jumped all over the place with amazing speed. The slime monsters had trouble keeping up and they got tangled in the wire. Once they were tied up, he brought the thick wire over to me. I cut one of the wires from the generator and connected it with the wire Sloth gave me. Finally I turned the generator on and put the electricity up to max. ZIZZZ!!!!!! The generator flowed the electricity into the wire and shocked the slime monsters. There was a loud shriek that echoed across the room and Bam! The slime monsters blew up. It's acid slime splashed the whole room, including us.

Sloth: It's over, we did it!

Zelphi: Yes, but I'm not happy. I'm cover in slime and it's burning my clothing!

Kuon: Focus on the bigger picture won't you.

Sloth and Kuon laugh, I joined in with them too.

The next day, we went to the black smith and fixed our weapons. The slime monsters acid dissolved the metal of our weapons making it dull. As we were walking around town, the people were confused about what happen to the mayor and most of the high class men. I can tell that the streets are starting to become a more peaceful place to live in. After we finish preparing, we said our goodbyes to the children and Sloth. It's too bad Sloth isn't coming with us, we can really use his skills. We began to walk away from them.

Boy 1: Sloth, you should go with them.

Sloth: But...

Boy2: Yeah! You should help them, they saved our town after all.

Girl1: Don't worry about us. I know you want to go too.

One after another, the children's encourage him to go. Sloth then smiles

Sloth: Thank you.

With that Sloth caught up with us and we walked side by side to Ysviel's castle.

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