Chapter 49. Battle of the Swords. Intro

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As I finish listening to Soren's story, grandpa barged into the room.

Grandpa: Granddaughter! Where are your manners?! You should first greet your elders when you come home!

Zelphine: Quiet! This is a library so shut up!

Grandpa: (sigh) I see your attitude still hasn't change. So, any luck? Did that Zero boy regain his memory?

Zelphine: No

Grandpa: (suspicious) Really now...(I'm not buying that. Reflection Fall shows you your inner self. He definitely seen his inner self and regain his memory. So why is he hiding it from all of us? Either way, I will be watching him closely. There is something about that boy I just don't like. It's strange but...I can't seem to put my finger on it.) Anyway granddaughter, why are you in a place like this?

Soren: Lord Luciano, Zelphi strangely came to ask about the ancient legends.

Luciano: Ancient legends? You mean about Zephiel. Now what made you ask about that?

Zelphine: Unatural phenomenons are happening all around the land. I believe it's a sign of Zephiel's uprising so I wanted to asked about the ancient legends to see if I can get any clue. (I can't tell grandpa about the mark on Zero)

Luciano: Granddaughter, phenomenons are just phenomenons. Zephiel can't possibly be the one who's causing them because his soul has been sealed away for about 3 thousand years now.

Zelphine: Would you believe me if I said that I saw the mark of Zephiel on someone.

Luciano: (serious) I see...That can mean only one thing. Still, for now there is nothing we can do about it since we do not know who Zephiel is reincarnated as. But I assume that the reincarnation will be someone with that mark all over his body. He probably has the same skill as Zephiel and won't be harmed by regular weapons. From the legend, it said that Zephiel can only be killed by a soul weapon. But enough of that, we'll deal with him once we know who the reincarnation is.

After that grandpa walked off. I then went to tell everyone that I'm home and introduced Tidus and Raine. I notice a flower garden in our yard, it seems that Thea has been doing some gardening. There were also medicinal herbs in the yard, I'm sure Alma was the one who planted those.

It was finally night time and I feel relieved to be sleeping in my bed again. As I was laying in bed, I thought about Zero. There are so many mysteries to him. He has no pulse and can wither plants just by touching them. His blood is black and he has these headaches that occurs way too often. Not to mention, he's...gorgeous. . .(sigh) I'm hopeless, just why do I like him anyway. Well to be honest, at first I was just curious about him. But when did that curiosity turn to love.

..............................change perspective................................

The moon shines brightly in the night sky as Zero walks through the garden. As he walks, the plants around him wither and he sigh. Behind him, Sloth is leaning on a pillar with his arms crossed. Zero turned around and smiled at him.

Zero: (smile) It's been awhile, hasn't it Sloth. you've remembered. (Looks up at the sky) Is the inner you still trying to take over your soul.

Zero: It would appear so...but I won't let him take over. I don't want to repeat what happen 3 thousand years ago. should be careful. If you lose control of your soul, then I will cut you down without a second thought.

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