Chapter 70. Song of the Angels

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Zelphi: (concentrating) Focus.....
Zelphi: (concentrating very hard) Focus.....
Zelphi: (concentrating extremely hard) Focus!


Nothing happened so I fall to the floor depressingly. I'm trying to use what Yoru taught me in order to make my wings appear, but nothing has happened so far. What could I be doing wrong? Yoru says to just focus and imagine yourself having wings. I've been doing that and still nothing! (Sigh) Maybe Yoru was wrong about me, maybe I don't have wings. Still, there's one thing that Yoru told me, he said I could be missing something. But what?

We're resting near a pond right now so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to try making my wings appear. The others would probably think it's weird so I'm practicing somewhere where they can't see me. But as you can see, it's still no luck. I started to throw rocks toward the pond while thinking about Zero. Soren says that he can't fix it, now what? Wait, if Soren can't, then maybe Merlin can. He's a branded too so that means he must be very smart, right? But..Soren is also smart and he couldn't do it, what if..Merlin can't as well.

My brain was frying so I started to sing in order to clear my mind. Out of nowhere, I started to hear the sound of a harp accompanying me as I sang. I suddenly stopped singing and scanned my surrounding. There I spotted a girl sitting by a rock waving at me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. There was a purple bird sitting on a harp she was holding.

Harp girl: I'm sorry that I bothered you. I couldn't help playing along, your voice is very pretty.

Zelphi: Thanks, I'm Zelphi by the way.

Harp girl: (smiles) Hello, My name is Calliope. And might I ask, are you a enchantress?

Zelphi: Enchantress?

Calliope: Yes, enchanters or enchantress are savants who enchants someone's physical abilities. It temporarily makes them stronger, faster, or more sturdier. In some cases, enchanters have healing abilities and that's what you did.

Zelphi: Huh! Were you injured?

Calliope: No, (picks up purple bird) but Soirée was. Oh, I forgot to mention, this is my friend, Soirée.

Soirée: Tweet! Tweet!

Calliope: Hehe, she said thank you..I think.

Zelphi: That's sweet but, no, I'm not an enchantress, I'm an angel. (Well, only half.)

Calliope: Really now! Then I might need your help with something.

Zelphi: Huh? What is it?

Calliope: Well, you see, there's a portal near here and the enchanters are the ones who're maintaining it. It's not that hard to maintain, in fact, it feels more like a concert. Enchanters form groups of three and play a duet in order to maintain the barriers constant state and we switch to create a cycle. Right now, it's just me and Lute, we're one member short so I want you to fill in as our third member.

Zelphi: But I'm not a enchanter, I dunno how to make barriers or even maintain it.

Calliope: Don't worry about it, your voice will be enough to support it. So what do you say?

Zelphi: Well..alright. Soren probably want to go check on it too.

Calliope: (happy) Thank you! I feel as though our group's duet will be the best.

After that, I told Soren and the others about it and they agreed to check it out. We followed Calliope towards a shining colorful light. There, there were three enchanters playing a duet while a light gathered around them at the stage. There was a barrier behind them absorbing the light.

Calliope: Let's see...Carol is the tall guy with green hair, he plays a Xian that resemble a long pear-shaped guitar. The boy with blonde hair is named Piper and he's playing a pipa. It resembles a smaller but wider pear-shaped guitar. Finally the small boy with orange hair is Abi. He is the one playing the harmonica while prancing around like he's having fun.

Carol: Abi, slow down on the beat! You'll make us one measure behind!...Don't just use forte, incorporate your dynamic!...Abi! It's a flat, not a sharp!...Watch out for the staccato on this part, and also accent it!...Piper, be sure to shift to 3rd position!....Okay, we're using accelerando on this part with crescendo!...Finally, Presto!!!AND!!!!!FINNNEEEE!!!!!! (Note: Do you guys understand it?)

Piper: Carol, you don't have to yell.

Abi: (harmonica) (happily) Twwweeeeee!!!!

They ended and everyone clapped. There was a 5 minute intermission until it was our turn.

Khione: Zelphine! Do you think they'll listen to me play my mandolin?

Zelphi: Yeah but, since you're not a enchanter, I don't think I'll help stabilize the barrier.

Khione: Then I guess I'll just watch you perform then. (Smile) good luck!

Then, Khione went to join Soren and the others. Calliope waved her hand in the air to call someone over.

Calliope: Lute! Over here!

The man with blonde hair walk towards us, he was carrying a violin.

Lute: I'm assuming she's the third member of our group, right?

Calliope: That's right Lute.

Lute: Well..what instrument do you play?

Zelphi: I'll be singing.

Lute: A song? (Smile) I'm sure it'll be amazing.

Zelphi: One question, what am I suppose to sing?


Lute:....Calliope, did you-?

Calliope: I'm sorry! I forgot to tell her! (Tearing up) sniff, what'll we do.

Zelphi: That's alright, I was just asking. Don't worry about the song, I'll just go along with the tune.

Calliope: (happy) Really, you can do that!

Zelphi: I can try.

Calliope: Don't worry! Me and Lute will back you up all the way!

Our group got on stage and Calliope started us off. She strum her harp for a few measures before Lute held his violin and started playing. After hearing the tune, a song naturally came to me and I began to sing. A halo appear on top of my head and a bright shining light shrouded us. I went along with their beat and was actually having a good time. When the song was about to come to an end, a thought occurred to me. That's it! The missing piece!

Zelphi: (singing the last note) (Focus..and FINE!!)

I imagine myself having white feather wings and then there was a whoosh sound. After that, I heard many people gasp before clapping very loudly. I look at my back and saw a pair of large white feathered wings. It's not as big as Yoru's but I felt happy.

Zelphi: (happy) (I understand now, the missing piece is music. My wings will appear if I sing with music!)

I flapped my wings happily and jump off the stage. Only, instead of flying, I fell and crash onto the ground. (Sigh) It seems that even though I have my wings, I still can't fly.

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