Chapter 80. Broken Bond

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Luciano: Granddaughter!

Grandpa came over and suddenly gave me a hug. In his adult form, it's hard for me to imagine this beautiful man as my grandpa.

Luciano: Are you alright?

Zelphine: Yeah, you came just in time. Any longer and I would've been marry to that tyrant.

Luciano: Hehe..sorry, it took awhile to get here because of all the soldiers blocking our path. (Smiles) But, what matters most is that we made it in time and you're safe.

Zelphine: Yeah...thanks grandpa. By the way, (looks around) Where's Zero?

Suddenly, grandpa's expression grew dark.

Luciano: I've...sent him away. You'll never see him again.

Zelphine: What?! Why?!!

Luciano: Tell me granddaughter, did you know that Zero was Zephiel?

Zelphine: !!! (What?! How did he find out!)

Luciano:...I see, judging by your expression, you did know. Why did you keep it a secret, don't you know how dangerous he is?!

Zelphine: Grandpa! He's not what you think he is! He may be Zephiel but right now...he's still Zero.

Luciano: That may be so but once he becomes Zephiel, he'll destroy the world. Ugh..I'm starting to regret the fact that I let him go. Who would've knew Zephiel was this close. Well, no matter.  All the kings and queen will gather in a few weeks to hunt for Zephiel. Its about time the Kami took action.

Zelphine: Grandpa no! Please listen to me! There may be a way to save Zero!

Luciano: There is none granddaughter, cause if there was, we wouldn't resort this.

Zelphine: You're wrong! Grandpa, think about it. If we can just get the Kami to seal Zephiel away without sealing Zero away, then it'll all be alright.

Luciano: It's impossible...

Zelphine: What?! Why not?

Luciano: It's cause Zero and Zephiel are the same person. There is no such thing as sealing part of yourself away.

Zelphine: But it did for me, I used to be half demon and angel! For 16 years, I had a seal on my demon side so that I won't become a full demon. What's the difference?!!

Luciano: (sigh) Granddaughter, that seal you're talking about is probably a seal used to stop the flow of your demon aura.

Zelphine: What?

Luciano: You probably know this but you have two rare types of aura. One angel and one demon. That seal only cuts the source of your demon aura so that angel one can take over making you..well, more or less an angel but you're still part demon on the inside. It's different from sealing Zero from Zephiel, it cannot be done because all of that is him, he was Zephiel to begin with.

Zelphine: But grandpa...

Luciano: Enough! I do not want you to talk about this anymore. Now come, it's time to go home.

Zelphine: No grandpa! I'm going to go find Zero!

Luciano: Stop this foolishness, weren't you listening to me?! Zephiel is dangerous!

Zelphine: No he's not!

Luciano: (sigh) Why are you defending him so much? It's almost as if way...

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