Chapter 82. Curse of the Black Jewel

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I decided to accept the priest's offer and followed them to their Sanctuary. This might be a bad idea but as long as I am careful, they won't find out that I'm not from the holy lands.

Elijah: Thank you for accepting our offer holy angel, our holy mother will be very pleased.

Abel: Indeed she will, this is the first time an angel has ever come to visit us. It's as if our voices were being heard.


Elijah: Holy angel, is there something amiss?

Zelphi: I've been meaning to ask this but, why do you two have silver hair? I thought only old humans have silver hair.

Elijah: Ah, you must be talking about that. Since you've been isolated in the holy lands, it's only natural that you don't know. Well, you see, among our church. If you are recognized as a pure, dedicated, and trustworthy individual who serves as a role model to everyone, then that person will have the privilege to be blessed by the pope. Once you do, you'll be named a saint and granted special powers and privileges. However in exchange, you will become the servant of god who exterminate's demons.

Abel: Once we became servants of god, we were granted power to slay demons of course. That was our main focus. In addition, we were able to go beyond the normal capabilities of a human. It was hard getting used to all the power but after awhile, it was just like second nature.

Elijah: And as for the privilege...well, this white hair of mine proves it all. You see, I'm actually 72 years old right now.

Zelphi: 72? But you don't look that old for a human at that age.

Elijah: Hehe..Indeed I don't, it's cause this is a privilege. You see, once you are blessed by the holy mother, you'll be able to reverse aging and maintain your youth. However, our life expectancy is still short...I'll probably be gone in another 20 years or so (Grimm expression)...assuming if I'm not killed by demons.

Angus: (pats Elijah's back) Hey, cheer up Elijah. You're not a helpless kid anymore, it's not the same as last time.

Zelphi: What's the matter.

Angus: Well you see, Elijah has a pretty rough past. 50 years ago his parents were killed by demons and he was almost killed too. When the church found him, his left arm was missing and his left eye was also bashed pretty badly. It must've left an emotional scar on him.

Zelphi: Oh..I'm sorry to hear that.

Elijah: There is no need to apologize. The orphans who were taken in by the church all have a sad past relating to a demon in some way. I'm sure someone else out there has it even worser than I do.

Zelphi: (smiling) You are very understanding. This is the first time I ever met people this kind and considerate.

Elijah: Not at all, it is our duty as saints to always help others.

Zelphi: (whispering) See Layhel, not all humans are bad.

Layhel: (whispering) (sarcastically) Yeah, if only they were this nice to the demons.


Once we arrive at the cathedral, a crowd of nuns gather outside and greeted the 4 saints enthusiastically. Geez...they sure are popular.

Nun 1: Saint Jeremiah! It's great to see to back safely! I've missed you so!

Nun 2: Saint Abel! This is for you! You must be tired from exterminating the demons.

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