(154) - Elizabeth

Start from the beginning

Sariel and Tarmiel exchanged glances with each other before they stared at her in amazement. A bright smile appeared on my face as I stared at my sister. She was amazing, and everyone respected her. Ludocriel rolled his eyes before he glanced away. Mael nodded in my direction. That day, I learned that darkness isn't always evil and light isn't always good.



"You zoned out."

I frown. "Shoot. What did I miss?"

"You missed our game plan," Alala says sharply. Aditi nods in agreement, having a serious yet calm expression on her face. "It's alright. We can reexplain it," she says.

"Okay." Alala shoots me a glare. "All five of us will go and confront your new, darker fragment. From there, Aditi and I will attack her head on. Amirah will stay back and use support magic. As for you and Genesis, you will distract her, so we can tie her up and ask her questions."

Genesis frowns, crossing her arms. "I still don't agree with this," she says, having a serious expression on her face. "There could be a peaceful approach instead of this!"

Alala shakes her head. "There isn't."

"And, you're absolutely sure?"

Alala smirks. "Why, of course!"

"I don't believe it."

Alala exchanges a look with Aditi. "What's there not to believe?" Alala asks with a cocky smirk. "We've actually been there. You haven't." Genesis furrows her eyebrows in concentration as a serious expression appears on her face.

"Perhaps, it's your pride that's hurt," Genesis says as a shocked expression appears on Alala's face. "After all, you're a warrior and hate to lose." Alala clenches her fists in rage as she narrows her eyes at Genesis.

"That isn't—!"

"It's not like that," Aditi says with a satisfied smile. "That fragment is pure evil, and we aren't sure what else to do." I roll my eyes at her pretense, knowing Ludocriel did the exact same thing.

"I don't believe that for a second."

Aditi chuckles. "Believe what you want."

Genesis shoots her a glare. "I will!"

Genesis sighs, trying her hardest to stay calm. Aditi and Alala narrow their eyes at her, refusing to back down. "Remember, you're the one who almost got us killed three thousand years ago by the Ten Commandments," Alala says with a smirk.

"I do not regret it." Genesis smiles, glancing all around the room. "After all, I will stick to my convictions. I am not sure about either of you though." Alala exhales sharply, having a furious look on her face.

A chill races down my spinal cord as goosebumps appear across my skin. "I need some air," I say, walking outside. The cool air blows against my hair as I glance at the sky, seeing tons of stars.

Many years ago, when I was around the age of five, Ankhseram took me outside during the night. We climbed up the tallest tree. This was the first time I ever saw stars. "What are those bright lights?" I ask in amazement.

"They are known as stars." Ankhseram smiles in my direction. "Every star has a part to play. They are apart of something even bigger. They're known as constellations, and they're the symbols for celestial spirits."

I tilt my head to the side. "What are celestial spirits?" I ask as she places her hand on my head, having a kind smile on her face. "Ankh! Please tell me!" Ankhseram chuckles to herself, having an amused expression.

"Fine, you convinced me," she says sweetly. "Celestial spirits coexist with us in the celestial realm. Our father, who is the celestial spirit king, rules them and makes sure they follow all of the rules for celestial spirits."

"What are the rules?"

"Well..." Ankhseram says softly. "Each celestial spirit has their own key. The key is sent into the human world and can be found by a human. The human can summon the celestial spirit whose key they own. The celestial spirit must assist and obey them."

"So, they're kinda like pets?"

Ankhseram gives me a weird look. "No, no, no. It's not like that at all!" She says, shaking her head. "Celestial spirits are people, and they feel pain as well. The celestial spirits make a contract with humans. Normally, humans are grateful for celestial spirits and love them."

"I think I understand!" I say cheerfully, seeing her proud smile. "Maybe, I can have my own celestial spirit key when I'm older!" Ankhseram chuckles to herself, forcing herself to stand up.

"Alright, Ellie, it's time to go to bed."

"Aw man! I want to hear more!"

"Maybe tomorrow."

I smile. "Yay!"

"Elizabeth?" A voice came from behind as I glance in that direction. Amirah stands there, having a worried look on her face. "U-Um, is everything alright?" I ask nervously.

"I came out here to check on you," she says, narrowing her eyes at me. "Are you okay?" Tears stream down my cheeks as I fall to my knees, realizing how much I miss everyone and just want to go home.


Amirah engulfs me in for a hug. "It's okay..."

"I-I just miss them..." I choke out. "I-I just want to go home and see my loved ones. I want to have a good relationship with Ankh again, I want to see Meliodas, I want to be there laughing with the mages of fairy tail and the members of the seven deadly sins... I-I just want to be home..."

Amirah sighs. "I-I understand..." She says with a reassuring smile. "As soon as we solve this problem, you will be able to go home." I force a smile as I glance at the stars, being reminded of Ankhseram.

"You know, this reminds me of when Ankhseram and I used to visit the stars at night," I say as a calm smile appears on my face. "I always loved spending time with her, and she always had this connection with the stars and constellations."

Amirah smiles. "I honestly was not present during that," she says. "However, when we were trying to stop the holy knights, she was so protective of us. Ankhseram as Lucy always watched out for us and made sure we were safe."

"Yeah..." I say softly. "Ankhseram has always been like that. No matter how many Elizabeths I was, we would always meet at least once. I honestly wish we could be as close as we used to be."

The princess studies me. "You can."

"What do you mean?"

"When Meliodas brought you to Camelot, Ankhseram was the one who watched over you," Amirah says with a peaceful expression. "She may not show it, but she really does care for you."

I smile. "Thank you..." I say quietly, turning my attention back to the stars. "I just wish I could see her and discuss everything with her like we used to."

"You really miss her, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." I heave a sigh, longing to be with my sister. Amirah places her hand on my shoulder, heading back inside their home. Tears stream down my cheeks as I continue to think of Ankhseram.

"I just hope to get back home before it's too late."

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