chapter 86

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*Yuki's pov*

How long have I been here again? Days? Weeks? Has it even been a month? Once I get out, I won't have a home to go back to.. the love of my life is gone and will never come back. No matter how much I pray, no matter how much I wish, no matter what I do Yang will never come back. The memories repeat like a broken memory, both the good and bad memories. The good memories end up turning into a nightmarish scene that keeps appearing in my head. The bloodied body of Yang, the blood soaked mattress, Sangwoo's cold, evil smirk.

Sangwoo, the man who ruined my life. I wish I never crossed paths with him, I should have never fucked him again because karma came knocking at my door the moment everything went downhill for me once again. I wish it was me dead, and gone instead of Yang. Why couldn't Sangwoo just stab me a little deeper? He could have almost stabbed a important vein or even a artery and just watch me bleed out. That way I could still be with Yang. But alas, we were separated by death and I'm still in this godforsaken world suffering more than I was when I found out my fiancè died.

Because of this I hate Sangwoo more than ever and wish him nothing but the worst of the worst. Back then I was so judgemental and was so blinded by love and wanted to be happy, and never thought I would see Sangwoo again. But to my surprise I crossed paths with him yet again, and at the time I thought maybe it was fate. Fate to cross paths with him, despite it being so long when we last saw each other. I used to be so grateful to him when he killed my mother all those years ago. Despite the complete bitch she was I wish I listened to her. She was right about Sangwoo. He killed my fiancè. He killed the only thing that truly made me happy. I gave my heart to Yang and after this I will never fall in love again.

I've been in here for so long I don't think I'll ever be let out, but when I do the very first thing I will do is put Sangwoo put of his misery. He deserves so much more than just a beating or even a stabbing. No, killing him will never be enough to release the pain I feel inside. My mother was right and despite it being far from late to realize that, this is more than enough pain that I deserve, because of Sangwoo, I  now have no one to go to, no one to talk to. Why can't the doctors just put me out of my misery now? Why? They know damn well after what happened to my fiancè that I am unstable. I was on the brink of death, my vision was blurry, my hearing was fuzzy and all I was able to make out was the shadows of the paramedics helping me and trying to get me to stay conscious.

All while that was happening the only words I could make out were: 'he's dead' deep down I knew who they were talking about, but I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't. I would never. I was staring at the white ceiling and closed my eyes, as I was once again on the brim of tears as I bit my lip to choke back my sobs. Yang. The antidepressants and pain killers were not helping, no matter how many they gave me a day. I am a broken soul in a hospital just ready for death to come knocking at my door next. Anything just to be with Yang again. Anything.

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz