chapter 18

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*Yoonbum's pov*

Once the ride was over and came to a complete stop, I got off, and headed towards the exit.
I look around, but didn't see Sangwoo where he said he'd be.
I smelled something sweet, as Sangwoo nudged me softly with his elbow.
"Here, I got them from the food stand over there, since you probably never had something like this before, there called churros, there a pastry type snack and better warm so eat up." Sangwoo said with a mouthful.
I smile and take it from him, taking a small bite.
Sangwoo was right this is really good.

Sangwoo wiped the crumbs off my face we both finished and smiled.
"So what would you like to do now?" Sangwoo asked, looking down at me.
"Uhh..I...i don't know."
Just then we were interrupted by the theme park bugs bunny look-a-like mascot.
"Are you enjoying yourselves?"
"Y...yea.." I said meekly.
"Would you like to take a photo?"
I look at Sangwoo.
Sangwoo sighs, looking at the mascot. "Yea."
Sangwoo handed him the camera, as we both smiled.
I waved bye to the the mascot as he went to say hi to the kids who were calling to him.

*Sangwoo's pov*

"Hey, I'll put that picture in my pocket with your frog." I said extending my hand.
"Alright." Bum said as he handed me the picture.
I put the picture in my pocket. "Hey, let's do that next." I said pointing to the haunted house attraction.
"O...ok.." Bum said, with uncertainty in his voice.
I take Bum by the hand, as I led the way to our next destination.
We waited in line for 5 minutes till we were called up next.
"Is it just you two?" The guy asked.
"Yea." The woman with brown hair said.
"What about you sir?" The guy looked at me.
"It's just me and him." I said.
"Perfect, then you four will go in together." The guy said as he let us in.

"Is it ok if me and my friend use you as our shield?" One of the girls said.
I chuckle darkly. "Sure why not." As I let go of Bum's hand.
Sangwoo smiles darkly as he led the way to the exit, not realizing Bum was left behind.

*Yoonbum's pov*

" frog where is it....S....Sangwoo do you know where...."I cut myself off, realizing Sangwoo was gone, and I was left alone.
Sangwoo....Sangwoo help me....
It felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, as I fell to my knees, as I covered my ears. frog...

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora