chapter 50

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*Sangwoo's pov*

The very last thing I remember before taking a shower and leaving the house, was that I gave Bum the house phone.
"Is there a phone I can use?" I ask looking at Akira.
She had this resting bitch face look, as she clicked her tongue, flashing a smile. "Yes of course I will be right back."
With that she walked away, coming back 5 minutes later, with the phone in her hand.
"What's the number you want me to dial?" Akira asked looking at me.
I tell her the number, once the number was dialed the phone was ringing as she put it to my ear.

After a few rings Bum finally picked up.
"S...Sangwoo?! Oh my god where are you?!"
"I'm in the hospital...but don't worry, when I get out...everything will be alright..I promise.."
Hearing Bum's soft sobs made my chest tighten.
"Shhh it's alright."
"What hospital are you in? I'm not leaving your side!"
I tell Bum what hospital I was staying in, along with the room number, then gave Akira a nod to hang up the phone.
Akira puts the phone on the table beside me and pulls out a chair by my bed for whenever Bum gets here.
"So is your boyfriend coming?"
"Well he's not my boyfriend...but he is someone very close to me...and I made a huge mistake in hurting him and I will never do anything like that again...."

-15 minutes later-

My head snaps up a bit to quick as I gave myself whiplash.
Let's just say, it hurt like a bitch.
"Bum...hey...don't worry I'm fine..."
Bum had tears rolling down his face, as he ignored the pain in his legs, as he ran to me.
"Careful Bum I'm more damaged then you." I warned.
Bum crouched down, laying his head on my chest, as he cried softly.
As my arm that wasn't broken wrapped around him gently, as I rubbed his hair gently.
"Shhhh don't worry..."
I will never hurt you again...
It should have just been us...
No one will get in between us again..

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