chapter 16

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*Yoonbum's pov*

I look at Sangwoo, the look on his face giving me chills.
"Uhh...S...Sangwoo..?" I ask.
Sangwoo's sinister look, slowly faded.
Sangwoo turned to me. "What's wrong Bum? Did you figure out what you wanted to do first?"
" not yet." I said. "At least the scary look on his face is gone.."
"While your still deciding, let's go on that." Sangwoo said said pointing to the swinging boat. "Maybe after you ride this, you'll start to get the feeling."
"O...ok..." I said. "It can't be that bad....right..? I shouldn't be scared.."

Sangwoo smiles. "Alright let's go." Sangwoo said as he led me to the line.
My heart was beating really fast, but I wasn't trembling, on the outside I wasn't, the inside is a different story.
But Sangwoo looks really happy, for the very first time, when he's not fucking killing someone in the basement.
I like seeing Sangwoo like this.
If he's happy, I am too.
We were next in line, I looked up at the swinging boat, it was way bigger than I thought.

As Sangwoo showed the guy our all day passes, I felt a lump in my throat.
There's no turning back now...I can do this.
Sangwoo led me to sit down.
Once we sat, Sangwoo pulls the bar down.
I felt uneasy, I didn't know how, or what to feel.
What do I do when the ride starts? Do I scream? Do I stay quiet?
As more questions ran through my head, the ride began to start.

The ride was slow at first but then started to get more and more intense.
People who sat in front of us and across from us were screaming and raising their hands up in the air.
I look over at Sangwoo who looked like he was really enjoying himself.
As I sat there in silence the ride came to a end.
Once the ride fully stopped, the bar automatically came up.
Sangwoo got out and helped me out, my legs shaking.

"Let's go look in the gift shop, I'll buy you something." Sangwoo said pointing towards a semi crowded gift shop.
"O...ok." I said as we walked inside.
"Welcome! Let me know if you need help finding anything!" The women said, with a wide smile.
"Thanks ma'am." Sangwoo said, Sangwoo looked at me. "Go look around."
"Ok.." I said as I walked around.

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora