chapter 83

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Everything fell silent, Yoonwoo was only 3 years old, Jhinwoo was 3½. My vision slowly came back, and the sound of Yoonwoo crying could be heard. I walk over to her, but Jhinwoo jumped into action and blocked my path towards her. "How could you dad?" Were Jhinwoo's only words to me, at first I was confused, but I felt a warm, thick liquid on my hands and looked down. My hands were shaking and soon, so was I.

That warm, thick liquid on my hands was BLOOD. But it wasn't mine. I look over at Yoonwoo who was crying, her pastel purple pajamas were now stained with blood. I then looked at where the blood was really coming from and my eyes widened, and I wanted to yell out to Bum, but it felt like there was a huge lump in my throat and it soon became hard to breathe.

The blood was Bum's, my mouth was open a jar, as my trembling hand reached out to him, but then I seen a knife that slid a few feet away from Bum and it was covered in blood. I touched Bum's face and it was ice cold. I shook my head, but then checked his pulse, but.. there was nothing... my breathing hitched and soon felt something drip on my hand. I brought my hand to my face, it was the same thick liquid. Bum's blood. But.. where is it coming from...?

I then straightened up and turned the kitchen light on. My eyes widened more, it felt like my heart stopped at that very moment. I went over to the knife and picked it up, I didn't need to examine it but, I did anyway. What's done is done, but I never meant to actually kill Bum... I didn't.. I swear. I dropped the knife and it made a 'clank' on the floor, and I stepped back, my back hitting against the wall as I slid down. My whole body was shaking, my chest felt tight, the lump in my throat felt like it was getting tighter, as I checked out Bum's corpse, I could feel the tears forming.

Bum was dead. I slit his throat. Yoonwoo's cries echoed the entire room, but felt like the entire house. Jhinwoo hugged his sister close to him, all while trying to calm her down. He gave me the most disgusted glare, I don't blame him, despite me being his father, we all knew Bum was the real father figure while I went out and did my own thing. Getting victims and torturing them in multiple gruesome and horrid ways that you wouldn't believe. Bum was dead, and it's horrible for me to say, but I don't remember a damn thing.

Yoonwoo looked at me, her eyes filled with tears as she cried in Bum's lap, no matter how much Jhinwoo tried to get her away, she would scream and grip onto Bum's shirt and cry even louder than she was. I couldn't believe I killed Bum. He was the only one to keep me sane. Well, to a minimum at least.

"D...daddy?" I look up to hear Yoonwoo calling out to Bum and it made my heart break more, despite what I've done, and I don't remember anything. The only things that came to my mind were the flashbacks me and Bum shared. From when I first encountered him and broke his legs, to when I decided to keep him instead of kill him, from the man we stabbed together after a fun game of 'Cops and Robbers', the talent show and he met that bitch Min Juien, when Bum snapped from a flashback of his past and stabbed the whore to death, from the car trip we had together and that crummy hotel we stayed and snuck out late in the middle of the night to bury the dead body.

Besides everything that happened we spent almost every minute of everyday together. Well, when I wasn't out and when I didn't punish him and lock him in the basement for long periods of time. Despite all the cruel and hurtful things I've done I've seen him as a companion, someone who would always be by my side, but now that will never happen. I will never see Bum's warm smile ever again, I will never be able to hug him, or be close to him ever again. Bum... you may not be able to hear Yoonwoo's cries, or hear her call out to you, or hear me say this but...

I'm sorry, and I know no matter how much I say it, it's too late and I will never have anyone like you by my side again. We promised that we'd be together forever, we were supposed to get married and live as happy as we could ever be, and give Yoonwoo and Jhinwoo the most happiest childhood ever, the childhood we never had as kids, and I completely ruined that for all of us. I'm sorry.

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