chapter 84

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"Why...? Why did you do this to me Sangwoo..?" Bum... i... is that you..? "How could you do this to me Sangwoo? I thought we were happy, we were finally gonna get our life together and have the best family and life possible... so why..? Why did you do this? What drove you to such a heinous crime?" I looked around, everything around was dark, so dark I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, as I walked aimlessly just hoping I would soon find light, or the direction where I heard Bum's voice. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. Bum... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry and I know deep down, to my very core that, that will never be a good enough apology.

"How could you hurt our precious children like that? Especially Yoonwoo. How could you? Yoonwoo is only 3 she should not have to deal with the cold, hard reality so soon, at such a young age." Those are Jhinwoo's exact words. How. Could. You? "Despite everything, I hope the police find you and learn about your crimes Sangwoo. You don't deserve the slightest bit of sympathy. You murdered me in cold blood and I hope the guilt eats you up so bad it drives you into a state of depression, you deserve to rot in a cell, or better yet hell. I wish nothing but happiness for Yoonwoo and Jhinwoo, I wish I was stronger and could protect them, I failed them."

My eyes widened at Yoonbum's words, when he was alive he never dared to talked to me like that, but... he was right.. he was I fucked up. I ruined everything, and soon I would have to face the consequences for everything I have committed, the brutal murder of my ex fiancè Yuki, and that bastard Yang. Yoonwoo and Jhinwoo will most likely want nothing to do with me, despite me being their biological father. But deep down I always had a feeling. That they loved Bum just a teeny bit more. And honestly, who could blame them. I was becoming like my father, slowly but surely I was, but did I ever think that I would actually kill the person who has been with me since I broke his legs when I caught him in the basement of my home. Where our adventures soon began. But because of me and my fucking psycho ass, things abruptly got cut short.

"I hope you suffer the way I did when you fucking stabbed me to death, the pain, unable to fight back, seeing the light soon flash before your eyes, all while coughing and choking on your own blood, deep down knowing you knew you were going to die. I I honestly hope the police finds out, and Yoonwoo and Jhinwoo both get put into a good home and away from your ass while you rot away in a cell waiting for your execution. Goodbye Sangwoo, you did this, and there's nothing you can do or say to change a thing." Soon the aimlessly dark room soon lightened up, and Bum was nowhere left in sight. He was right, deep down I knew that nothing I could do, let alone say could make anything better for what I've done. I don't deserve Yoonwoo, or Jhinwoo, they deserve so much better, but I ruined them after my major fuck up that they will carry for many more years to come.

My eyes soon shot open and I quickly sit up, regretting it immediately, cause it made me feel light headed, I held my head, and looked at my hands, they still had Bum's blood smear all over them, it was crusty and dry but even tho it's my fault that Bum is no longer living and breathing, and enjoying life to the fullest, despite everything I did to him. I made his life a living hell but he still remained by my side. But now he's not. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I gripped my hair at the sides of my head nd cried softly. I ruined everything. That dream wasn't a precognition. It was true. Every single thing he said was true. I do deserve the very worst. Yuki would agree if she was still alive, if Yang were still alive he'd do more than just arrest my ass.

I ruined everything. A good life. A happy family. A loving, loyal partner who I really put a lot of thought in and decided to marry. But now, all that quickly changed when I had another one of my "episodes" or better way to describe it "black outs" but this time, unlike the other ones I didn't wake up in time to stop. And when I did it was too late. Yoonwoo's cries echoed and filled my head. Stop... please stop, put me out of my misery. I can't take it. Bum was right. There's nothing I can do, let alone say to make things better. Because in the end it won't help my case, it'll make me feel worse, and my children. No. They don't deserve a father like me.

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن