chapter 35

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*Yuki's pov*

As Sangwoo led me upstairs, my heart was racing with each step I took, I trusted Sangwoo, and I know he trusted me too, since we're both, as you could say...unstable.
I first met Sangwoo in middle school, we didn't start talking till the middle of our 7th grade year, as we quickly became close, inseparable even.
I was so happy and grateful when Sangwoo came into my mother on the other hand..she met Sangwoo a few times, and she did NOT want me around him.


"Mom! There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sangwoo!!" I shouted.
My mom backed me into a corner, screaming at me. "There is everything wrong with that boy! And I don't want you around someone like him!!"
Tears rolled down my face. "He's the only friend I actually have and I'm happy!!"
"If you keep continuing to see him, even after everything I tell you, I will kill you, and I don't mean the typical grounding, oh no, I mean I will fucking kill you with my own two hands, I brought you into this world, and I can take you the fuck out too."
I trembled as tears rolled down my face.

This wouldn't be the first time my mom threatened me, she was always drunk and would throw things at me, cut me with sharp objects, like broken glass, knifes, she would choke me with a electric cable, and dump boiling water anywhere she could, face, legs, arms, stomach...
I took the abuse all the way up till the end of my 7th grade year.
I was curled up in fetal position, my arms a bloodied mess since my mother was wielding a knife, and actually attempted to stab me in my sleep.
I don't know how, I don't know why, but the next think I know is I heard a blunt, followed by splatters.

I open my eyes, Sangwoo stood in front of me, panting.
His cold eyes glaring down at my mother's dead body.
"Are you alright...Yuki..?" Sangwoo looked at me.
I was a trembling mess, who was going into hysterics, not because of how my best friend, who slowly and eventually became my love interest at the time, killed my mom.
Normally if it was someone else their first thought was to call the police, but not me, I felt a strong wave of relieve.
Sangwoo reached his hand out to me. "It's alright, you don't have to suffer anymore."

-Back to present-

That was about maybe 8-9 years ago.
It's been too long it's hard to remember, but I will never forget, those cold dark eyes, and sinister smile as he licked my mom's blood off the knife he used to end her life.
I felt relieved, I felt happy, I felt safe...
All because Sangwoo was there with me.
For that, I am forever grateful.

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