Chapter 62

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*Sangwoo's pov*

Honestly what the hell am I still doing in this shit hole?
I should be out of here by now, it's been about 2 and a half months since I first came here, and it's been absolute hell ever since I made Akira quit because of my fucking anger issues.
Do I regret the way I treated her?
Yes and no, yes because she was the only one who was actually nice to me and actually had the patience with me and did her job alright, and no because she was a bitch sometimes and would always nag me.
But, all in all she was a good person and above all else i'm so sorry..
Bum hasn't left my side either, and let's be honest if he were to leave me here to suffer this goddamn rat hole he'd be going to his early deathbed the exact day I get out.

"S..Sangwoo...a...are you thirsty? Do you want me to get you a drink?" The voice of Bum's nervous voice breaks me out of my thoughts, as I turn my head away from the blank wall and towards Bum, a small smile creeping onto my face and give him a small nod.
 "I...I'll be right back..anything in particular that you want?" Bum asked.
 I shake my head. "Anything other then water, and no soda, hmmm maybe something vanilla or peach." I said, closing my eyes.
I just want to go home....

Back with Bum..
I made the stupid fucking mistake of finding Yuki at that club I used to go to before I, well it was Bum that killed Min Juien but still, I stopped going after I fucked that ugly bitch, she was so into me it makes me cringe thinking about it now, but thank god she's gone.
Thank you Bum..
For everything, cause if it wasn't for you, the last of my very little sanity I have would be disintegrated.
I'm a fucking serial killer for fucks sake, and no one but Bum, Yuki, and officer cockblock knows, the only reason why officer cockblock knows is that he can't keep his nose out of my fucking business!!

Honestly he fucking pisses me off, and I can only hope the worst for him.
He doesn't deserve any sympathy let alone a chance to fucking live, he stole Yuki from me, I mean she was fucking mine first, till I fucked up by slapping her, she's honestly pissed me off to the point of no return.
I don't see why Yuki likes him so much, he's a prick who can't keep his nose out of other people's business, I swear that's gonna bite him in the ass one day.
But why the fuck should I care? 
It's none of my fucking business.
Fuck you Yuki, and fuck you Yuki.
Get fucked.

Yuki fucked my life up one too many times, but this one out of fucking many takes the fucking cake.
I hope she fucking dies, words cannot describe the pure hatred I have for them both.
Their so right for each other that it's scary.
They both fuck up others people's lives and think they'll get away with zero consequences, I will not stand for it.
They better watch they're fucking backs because I am no longer playing around anymore.
I hope they fucking die.
Just like they fucking deserve.

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