Chapter 80

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*Sangwoo's pov*

I put in the password in the keypad and open the door, I quietly walked in, it was really late at night when I got back, nearly 1AM. Even though I left at 10PM it felt as if I was falling, I know at this point I basically dug my own grave, but I'd do anything to protect my family. Anything. And no one can tell me otherwise. Bum walked towards me, and when he saw me, his eyes widened in shock, and was that fear...?

"Y...your finally home..." Was all he could say.
I look down at him and nod. "Yea, I'm finally home."
Bum looked away for a split second before looking back at me. "I...I made you a bath about 10 minutes ago, I didn't know how long you'd be gone for, let alone come back but I hope it didn't get cold..."
I look down at him, and not in my wildest dreams would I ever thank him but here I am, saying it to him.

"T...thanks Bum, but I think I'll just take a shower and go to bed I'll see you in bed~" that left him a blushing mess as I walked past him to get clean clothes, since the ones I'm wearing are contaminated and will burn tomorrow morning. Bum nodded and walked back into our room, but something didn't feel right. But it's too late to figure that out so I'll just leave it at that. I got my clothes and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind me I take a deep long sigh and stare at myself in the mirror.

I look like someone who just got out of a blood bath in a horror movie. I was oddly satisfied with my appearance, covered in blood by the two people I hate in the world. They're now dead, and I'll never have to deal with them ever again. Not now, not ever. Now it'll be all about Bum, and our happy little family we are now starting to become.

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora