chapter 61

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(WARNING: this chapter talks about sensitive topics, so if you are uncomfortable with stuff like this then please skip this chapter, also if you struggle with self harm or know someone who does it, then please get them help by calling a suicide hotline, or just talk to someone (I am horrible when it comes to explaining things, so i'm so sorry, please don't hate me))

*Yuki's pov*

I've been pregnant for the two months now, and it's already taken a toll on me and my body..Yang's been doing everything he can, he even took time off work and everything.
Of course I feel bad but he said he would do anything for me.
I shouldn't feel guilty but it's just one of those many emotions I can't help but not feel.
I'm just grateful he took it as well as he did.
And that I no longer have to worry about him leaving me.

When I heard about Sangwoo getting into that car crash, I didn't shed a single tear, because that sick fuck deserved every injury and fractured bone he got from the accident.
Serves him right for wanting to seek revenge on me.
Looks like God is on my side, all is right with the world.
But with Sangwoo suffering in the hospital half of me feels sorry for me, but the other half of me wishes he died in that fucking crash.
Instead of the drunk driver who lost his life on the way to the hospital it should have been Sangwoo, and when Bumyoon would find out he would either slit his wrists a second time, and actually succeed or maybe either his throat.

But then again, he might fail at that too, he had one job and he fucked up, I mean if he wants my help I'll gladly do so, with no mercy, it's mainly all his fault it all came up to this.
And I hope Sangwoo comes to his fucking senses and comes to realise that too and put Bum out of his fucking misery.
I fucking hope.
But until then, I'm gonna fuck Sangwoo up, emotionally and mentally.
Get ready Sangwoo.
Because I'm done playing nice, and done playing games.

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