chapter 46

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*Yuki's pov*

I smiled up at Yang as I refilled my water bottle.
I always feel so safe when I'm around him, he truly makes me happy.
I took a quick glance out the window from the corner of my eye.
there stood Sangwoo as I felt a lump form in my throat.
"Hey, you ok?" Yang asked, gently nudging my shoulder.
I jump and get back to my train of thought, looking up at him.
"Huh? Oh yeah...sorry I was just thinking." I said taking a sip of my water.
"Heh, that all? You've gotten quiet on me all of a sudden, I was starting to get worried." Yang said as he rested his hand on my shoulder, making me blush lightly.

"Y....Yea I'm fine..." I said, clearing my throat.
"I'll meet you back in the office, I'm gonna go out for some air." I said, handing him my water bottle, and went outside before he could answer.
I walk towards the side of the police station, and there Sangwoo stood in all of his glory.
I sigh, looking down at the ground, gently kicking a piece of a broken glass bottle with the nub of my combat boot.
"So what the hell are you doing here? Are you following me now?! Haven't you done enough when you fucking slapped me?!" I ask, my voice raising with each question I ask.

Sangwoo just stood there, his complexion looked really pale, like he hasn't slept in weeks, his eye bags were darker and more heavier, his eyes were red and puffy, probably from crying so much.
And in all honesty, it's all his fault, and he very well knows it's all his fault.
  The way he looked at me, he had the look of regret written all over his face, as he walked towards me, he puts his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes.
"Yuki.....I....I came to a....apologize.....I made a huge fucking mistake that I can't take back....I was just so angry that i couldn't think straight...a million sorry's will never be enough....t....that much I know....I.....I don't expect you to forgive me....but j....just know.....I....I am very....sorry...please take me my best friend.....and as my fiance, and soon to be wife....please...t....that's all i ask..." Sangwoo said, his grip tightening on my shoulders as I felt him trembling, as I then heard his uneven breaths.
He was on the verge of tears as he spoke.

I have never seen Sangwoo like this before, and it was slowly killing me on the inside.
I didn't meet his gaze, I couldn't bring myself to do that, it would be like getting my heart broken a second time, and I wasn't ready to go through with that...
Not again....
Not ever...

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