chapter 31

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*Sangwoo's pov*

Without saying a word I walk out of the room, a change of clothes in hand, as I go to take a cold shower, to cool down.
I need to cool down, just calm down.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Deep breaths.
I sigh, walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and started to undress.
I turn on the shower to a lukewarm temperature and get in.
I turn the shower knob slightly, making it hotter.
I groan, as the hot water dripped down my back.

Try and remain calm, deep breaths.
Deep, deep breaths.
I grab the shampoo and wash my hair good, doing the same with the conditioner.
Once my hair was good and rinsed, I step out and dry off.
I sigh deeply, changing into my clothes, and throw the dirty ones in the washing machine.
I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna bring some bitch home, and have some relaxing therapy.
Here I come.

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